The Dingoes are a new baseball team hoping to join the ranks of the Los Angeles Baseball Federation. This full-stack CRUD application will log the player's stats and record the team's activity.
This MongoDB/Express/Node application will use OAuth authentication to access a database of games played and a team roster with player statisics. There will be comment functionality for the players to discuss post game notes.
AAU I would like to see a list of past and future games
AAU I would like to be able to comment on specific games and interact with other users as a way to collaborate with the team
AAU I would like to update my player statistics in order to track my baseball metrics
Log in with OAuth
Add and delete games from MongoDB
Add and delete players from MongoDB
Post comments on specific game events
Potential to include other teams in the league
Create an Admin User to monitor QC
Include Third Party APIs
-air quality (10,000 calls/month)
-weather (30,000 calls/month)
-baseball quotes from Yogi Berra (unlimited calls/month)
-available baseball fields in LA