This application was written to support the Meadowbrook Waldorf school's annual holiday fair. This fair is a multi-day event with many activites and much need of volunteers. The school was using a Google sheet before and it was not going well. This application was written over a few weeks and was the author's only PHP application.
Here is an example of a small event happening over two days. The first day has setup activites and the second day is broken up into morning presentations and afternoon workshops.
The requirements for the application were changing as I built it. It was also unlikely that anyone other than me would be the "administrator" of it. Instead of creating a weak administrative interface I choose to create a language for desribing events and wrote an interpreter to translate that description into the actionable interface. Updating the langangue and interpreter was far faster than would have been the case with updating an administrative interface. The small event above is described
event "MWS Cafeteria Planning"
contact "Jamie Oliver"
description "We will be presenting a morning presentation on food choice
and cafeterias at Waldorf schools in the US"
day "Friday"
date 2011-03-19
day "Saturday"
date 2011-03-20
hours "Presentations"
starting 10AM
ending 12PM
hours "Workshops & Planning"
starting 1PM
ending 5PM
role "Cleanup"
role "Setup"
role "Coat-check"
role "Go-for"
activity "Backstage"
day "Friday"
shift "Setup"
count 3
starting 6PM
ending 8PM
shift "Setup"
count 3
starting 8AM
ending 10AM
day "Saturday"
shift "Setup"
count 3
starting 8AM
ending 10AM
shift "Cleanup"
count 3
starting 5PM
ending 7PM
activity "Onstage"
day "Saturday"
shift "Go-for"
count 6
starting 9AM
ending 1PM
shift "Go-for"
count 6
starting 1PM
ending 5PM
shift "Coat-check"
starting 9AM
ending 12PM
To install the application you will need a PHP server, commonly an Apache HTTPd server with the PHP7 module, and a MySql database server.
The application is easily installed by adding it to your web servers document root. Since the name of the directory containing the application is not significant to its operation (see site-include.php) name the directory whatever seems appropriate for your organization.
Create the database and database user before using the application. To do that, pick a database name, user name, and user password and execute the SQL
drop database if exists MWS_SIGNUP_DATABASE;
drop user if exists MWS_SIGNUP_USER;
create database MWS_SIGNUP_DATABASE character set 'utf8mb4' collate 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
create user MWS_SIGNUP_USER identified by 'MWS_SIGNUP_PASSWORD';
grant all privileges on MWS_SIGNUP_DATABASE.* to MWS_SIGNUP_USER with grant option;
flush privileges;
Next update the site-include.php file with the database details and the other configurations. The magicnumber is used to protect unauthorized creation or updating of events. Use a value that is obscure but easy to copy and paste from an email! I use a UUID created using uuidgen.
$magicnumber = '5D555ECE-1014-4EAA-B9F3-5225E887CB9F';
$database_address = '';
$database_name = 'MWS_SIGNUP_DATABASE';
$database_user = 'MWS_SIGNUP_USER';
$database_password = 'MWS_SIGNUP_PASSWORD';
$base_href = "http://localhost/~ajg/mws_signup/";
With the database created and the application installed, create the tables needed to operate the application
Yea, this is not good, but, like I said, this was quickly built. With the tables created you can delete the test.php file from the application directory.
You can now list and create new ones at
TODO how to create an event using the event decarative language.