github repository containing the code and result files for the RAAN internship program case study.
In this project, a 2D and 3D visualization of a given network is presented. Furthermore, the results are presented in a web application that is also deployed online.
The python libraries used are :
- networkx for the network creation
- plotly for the interactive visualization of the network
- dash for creating the dashboard
The application is hosted in heroku cloud application platform.
The application can be accessed in the following link
the file showing the creation of the network and the
the file containing the content of the notebook plus the code for running the app locally.2d_visualization.html
file containing the 2d plot of the network.3d_visualization.html
file containing the 3d plot of the network.requirements.txt
file with the required libraries for reproducing the code.
Create a conda environment and acitvate it with:
conda create -n env_name python==3.8.3
conda activate env_name
Install the required libraries with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Add the dataset in the same folder with the code.
Run the script for seeing the app running locally: