Add the following to the root gradle file.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
implementation (''){
transitive = true
Note: If you are using a lower version of Android Studio, use 'compile' instead of 'implementation'
Obtain a unique secret key from (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx). To keep the secret key secure, it is recommended to follow the below steps.
Place this key in the file of the Android Project.
Add the following config to the manifest placeholders.
defaultConfig {
manifestPlaceholders.appsfly_app_key = "${appsfly_app_key}"
- Add the following to the application module Manifest file.
android:label="My Application">
android:value="${appsfly_app_key}" />
Override your Application/Activity Instance onCreate() method
public void onCreate() {
ArrayList<AppsFlyClientConfig> appsFlyClientConfigs = new ArrayList<AppsFlyClientConfig>();
AppsFlyClientConfig appsflyConfig = new AppsFlyClientConfig(context, "MICRO_MODULE_HANDLE", "EXECUTION_URL");
AppsFlyProvider.getInstance().initialize(appsFlyClientConfigs, this);
This will start the process of syncing Metadata required to run MicroApp in your application.
To launch the MicroApp, run the following snippet where there is a call to action.
MicroAppLauncher.pushApp(*MICRO_MODULE_HANDLE*, *INTENT*, *new JSONObject(){INTENT_DATA}*, *ACTIVITY*);
//Put context data inside a JSONobject and pass it as intent data.
JSONObject contextData = new JSONObject();
data.put(*key* , *value*);
MicroAppLauncher.pushApp(*MICRO_MODULE_HANDLE*, *INTENT*, data, *ACTIVITY*);
Note: Values and format accepted by the Microapp are specific to each Microapp and can be found in the respective Microapp documentation.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && requestCode == AppsFlyConstants.NAVIGATION_CODE) {
String dataStr = data.getStringExtra("postData");
JSONObject resultData;
try {
resultData = new JSONObject(dataStr);
} catch (JSONException e) {
//Get values from resultData with keys specified by the Microapp Documentation.
Object value1 = resultData.get(*key1*);
String value2 = resultData.getString(*key2*);
Note: Values returned by the Microapp are specific to each Microapp and can be found in the respective Microapp documentation.
Note: Contact the [email protected] for any issues with integration.