Deployed Link:
This website is deployed on a free service called ( So It might take 40-50 sec to open for the first time in your pc, but once it opened it will be much faster.
You can either use deployed link to see the working of site or You can FORK this repo and run the follwing command to open the site-
node app.js
(Assuming Node.Js is already installed in your PC).
- Output Will be shown like this after running the Command-
- Then You can click on the link to open the site.
- This is Full Stack and Responsive Website for USER AUTHENTICATION.
- You can First Register and Enter You Deatails in the website.
- To see, edit or delete your information You Should Login with the help of USERNAME and PASSWORD.
- You can change any of your details except USERNAME and PASSWORD.
- You can open this site either in Phone or Laptop as it is a responsive website.
- Frontend - HTML, CSS , JavaScript and BootStrap
- BACKEND - Node.js, Express.js