Interactive map of UC Davis that includes real-time search and navigation.
- Search results: appear on map as user types. (Search button zooms and pans map to focus on results)
- Navigation: Marker Callout redirects user to Maps
- Google Maps: Self-taught Google Maps API for use of MapView, Markers, and Callout
- Search Bar: Self-taught UISearchBar for use of MapView Search
- Parse Database: Uses Parse Backend to store map data to allow for administrators to update Map.
- Custom Pin: var markerImage = Functions.imageWithView( markerViewWithText(text) )
This iOS application was a project I started as part of my application for the iOS Developer job position at Creative Media. Note: Code still needs to be restructured and cleaned.
Ready to Run after Git Pull. Due to pods, use xcworkspace file instead of xcodeproj file.