Matlab code for volumetric printing project (December 2019)
Callum Vidler
PhD Student, The University of Melbourne
Email: [email protected]
This repository includes the matlab files required to run the volumetric printing software. To run the software, set the work directory to the current folder and open Application.mlapp
On the left hand side of the application window you can open a STL file with 'Select STL File' Button. The resolution options are shown below in input boxes. The 'Select Video File' button allows the user to open an already existing video file to play. The 'Run Computation' button is used initiate the computation of the video file. The file is then saved in the work directory. The 'Start Print' button is used to display the video file and start the arduino start sequence for the printer.
The right hand side contains buttons for moving the printer up and down, turning on or off the rotation of the volume and connecting and disconnecting the printer from matlab.
Some additional Matlab plug-ins may be required before starting the software. These should be displayed in the command window when trying to run the sofware. These include the image processing toolbox and computer vision toolbox. Additionally, to display the video sequence mplayer.exe will need to be installed in the work directory.
A video showing the slicers operation and output can be found here: