- 👋 Hi, I’m @clement-gaudiniere
- 👀 I’m interested in aeronautics, aeromodelling, web development and mobile development.
- 🌱 I am curious and constantly learning. To stop learning is to grow old.
- 📫 You can contact me via this email address : [email protected]
- JavaScript
- Kotlin
- Dart
- Python
- jQuery (Web)
- Ajax
- flutter
- Git et GitHub
- MarkDown
- Official page GitHub
- Writing page Dev community
- Creation page Codepen
- Page Stackoverflow
- Page Google Dev
- Sales page of NFT
- Page NPM JS
Dronement Drone
- This is my first project. It's a website about aeromodeling. It was created from scratch, with the following languages: HTML, SCSS, PHP, JavaScript and jQuery. It has an article management system, a forum...
- Site Dronement-drone.fr
Libraire Cookie Consent
- It is a library allowing web developers to be in compliance with the European legislation on cookies. It has been realized in JavaScript and jQuery.
- Librairie Cookie Consent
- NeoNote is a website and mobile application that allows you to easily manage your notes from any device.
Plugin Wordpress
(In French)
- On OpenClassroom :
- Comprendre le Web
- Apprenez à créer votre site web avec HTML5 et CSS3
- Utilisez les effets avancés de CSS sur votre site
- Concevez votre site web avec PHP et MySQL
- Écrivez du JavaScript pour le web
- UX design : découvrez les fondamentaux !
- Introduction à jQuery
- Un site web dynamique avec jQuery !
- On Udemy :
- Android & Kotlin | Formation complète