TypeREF is a program to genotype "reference" mobile elements insertions, namely AluY, LINE1 and SVA retrotransposons present in a reference build. The workflow for Alu is identical to TypeTE-Reference, however this new version has been wrapped into a Nextflow package and uses a container (Docker/Singularity) in order to ease its installation.
The principal use of TypeREF is to correct the genotypes of reference Alu polymorphism detected by MELT2. We also implemented the genotyping of candidate LINE1 and SVA elements, however please consult the benchmark section before use.
- 👩🏫 A tutorial for using
is available here.
For genotyping of non-reference TE insertions see MELT2, ERVcaller or xTEA. For dimorphic Endogeneous Retrovirus polymorphisms see dimorphicERV.
The Type-REF project is hosted on github and is available for download
git clone https://github.com/clemgoub/typeref.git
With every update of the Dockerfile
, a new docker
image is pushed to Docker-hub. This way, the docker
image can be directly downloaded and converted to a singularity
image for rootless users (such as Calcul Canada [CC]) and cannot use docker
singularity pull --name clemgoub-typeref-latest.img docker://clemgoub/typeref:latest
building the image with
singularity pull
is slow, but only required once
Next, open and mofify the nextflow.config
file, located in the TypeREF
repository as follow:
singularity.enabled = true
process.container = '<your-path>/clemgoub-typeref-latest.img'
singularity.autoMounts = true
If the number of available cpu cannot be chosen via a scheduler, the line
cpus = N
can be added
To use TypeREF with Docker, simply add -with-docker clemgoub/typeref:latest
or modify the file config.nextflow
as follow:
process.container = 'clemgoub/typeref:latest'
docker.enabled = true
a VCF, for example from MELT "deletion" OR a bed file with Reference TE coordinates
#CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT SAMPLE1 SAMPLE2 SAMPLE3 SAMPLE4 chr22 10673619 . C <CN:0> . . SVTYPE=AluYi6;END=10673927;SVLEN=308;ADJLEFT=0;ADJRIGHT=0 GT:GL 0/0:-1.81,-13.25,-213.51 0/1:-90.1,-8.43,-48.16 0/0:-5.42,-9.63,-87.22 0/1:-39.7,-7.22,-82.03 chr22 16159229 . A <CN:0> . . SVTYPE=AluY;END=16159526;SVLEN=297;ADJLEFT=0;ADJRIGHT=0 GT:GL 0/1:-132,-19.87,-241.1 0/0:-0,-13.85,-254.5 0/0:-0,-13.25,-236.2 0/1:-108,-13.85,-160.8 chr22 17091394 . T <CN:0> . . SVTYPE=AluY;END=17091689;SVLEN=295;ADJLEFT=0;ADJRIGHT=0 GT:GL 0/0:-0,-16.26,-308.9 0/0:-0,-18.66,-346.1 0/0:-0.01,-12.64,-217.9 0/1:-192,-13.85,-84 chr22 21558350 . T <CN:0> . . SVTYPE=AluY;END=21558649;SVLEN=299;ADJLEFT=0;ADJRIGHT=0 GT:GL 0/0:-5.42,-24.08,-330.52 0/1:-108,-8.43,-60 0/0:-0.02,-14.45,-244.6 1/1:-109.2,-6.62,-1.2 chr22 22560568 . C <CN:0> . . SVTYPE=AluY;END=22560869;SVLEN=301;ADJLEFT=0;ADJRIGHT=0 GT:GL 0/1:-171.6,-33.72,-485.33 0/1:-76.4,-27.09,-456.01 0/1:-144.7,-24.08,-324.02 0/1:-84,-18.66,-288 chr22 26052795 . G <CN:0> . . SVTYPE=AluY;END=26053106;SVLEN=311;ADJLEFT=0;ADJRIGHT=0 GT:GL 0/0:-0,-10.84,-193.2 0/1:-120,-9.63,-68 0/0:-0,-6.62,-119 0/1:-132,-8.43,-36 chr22 31648396 . G <CN:0> . . SVTYPE=AluYc;END=31648685;SVLEN=289;ADJLEFT=0;ADJRIGHT=0 GT:GL 0/1:-168,-15.05,-132 0/0:-1.2,-18.06,-322.2 0/1:-216,-13.85,-60 0/1:-240,-15.65,-72 chr22 39417338 . A <CN:0> . . SVTYPE=AluY;END=39417641;SVLEN=303;ADJLEFT=0;ADJRIGHT=0 GT:GL 0/1:-72,-12.64,-173 0/0:-0.09,-16.26,-272.3 0/0:-0,-13.85,-253.7 0/0:-0,-12.64,-228.1 chr22 41089698 . C <CN:0> . . SVTYPE=AluY;END=41089996;SVLEN=298;ADJLEFT=0;ADJRIGHT=0 GT:GL 0/1:-95,-15.65,-207.2 0/1:-153.4,-15.05,-142.3 0/1:-72,-15.65,-227.6 0/0:-1.2,-7.83,-121.1
file from MELT2 "deletion" pipeline. Minimal header.Input
file must have 6 columns (tab-delimited). The content of columns 4-6 can be replaced by ".", 1-3 need to be the ref TE coordinateschr5 166877891 166878111 AluYk3 . + chr20 45108615 45108923 AluY . - chr11 134147494 134147785 AluY . - chr10 102827093 102827390 AluY . - chr13 82026280 82026561 AluY . - chr15 30684990 30685283 AluYe5 . + chr10 47510937 47511242 AluY . - chr8 145009005 145009305 AluYf1 . + chr3 51475580 51475874 AluY . + chr4 148568483 148568788 AluY . + chr19 40498364 40498703 AluY . -
file for candidate AluY elements -
Reference genome
: best to use the same file used in the original alignment. -
sample list
: tab delimited, 2 columns with headersampleId fileId NA07056 NA07056.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.low_coverage.20101123.bam NA11830 NA11830.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.low_coverage.20101123.bam NA12144 NA12144.mapped.ILLUMINA.bwa.CEU.low_coverage.20101123.bam
sample path
Location of the actual.bam/.cram
and their indices (.bai/.crai
) are located (path to folder). -
Repeat Masker track (provided) RepeatMasker tracks for Alu, L1 and SVA are available for hg19 and hg38 in the folder
- cpu: up to 1 per sample. Two steps are parallelized and Nextflow will use the available cpus to run these steps in parallel:
- allele indexing (
: by batches of 8 loci at a time) - genotyping (
: by individual).
- allele indexing (
- memory: <1Gb per cpu
--meltvcf vcf/vcf.gz file preduced by MELT-DEL pipeline (Deletion-Merge command)
--bed bed file with Reference TE coordinates/breakpoint
--ref reference genome used with the short-reads aligner (.fasta)
--RM_track RepeatMasker track for reference MEI (.bed)
note: RM track for hg19 and hg38 are available in the "Resources" folder
--aln_path path to bam/cram directory (all samples need to be in the same directory however,
the files to analyse will be only those in the aln_samples table)
--aln_samples two columns (tab delimited) with samples ID in column 1 and associated samples file names (.bam/.cram) in column 2.
ex: NA12878 NA12878.project.blah.bam
NA12831 NA12831.project.blah.bam
--maxr maximum number of fragments mapping to each allele (cap to avoid ref allele inflation)
for Alu: --maxr 10 (default)
for LINE1 and SVA --maxr 1 is recommended
--outdir output directory to store results
--TE TE type to be genotyped: Alu (default) | SVA | LINE1
--help this message
- On HPC, Nextflow and Singularity modules need to be loaded
- Use the exact same reference genome as used for read alignments in order to avoid errors
- Input only loci of one type of TE at a time (Alu, SVA or L1)
- Please address you issues using the "issue" tab at the top of this page! Thank you!
A benchmark of TypeREF has been conducted using a list of 943 Alu, 103 LINE1 and 12 SVA present in the reference build hg19 and for which HG002 shows polymorphism in the GIAB SV benchmark. Additionaly, 1000 Alu, LINE1 and SVA, not labelled as polymorphic by in HG002 by GIAB, were randomly selected to estimate the false positive rate. The results of TypeREF are compared to the outputs of MELT2 "Deletion".
The benchmark results are shown for two values of --maxr
, 1 and 10. This parameter indicates the maximum number of fragments (properly alignmed read-pairs) supporting each allele (presence and absence). --maxr 10
maximises the performances for Alu, while --maxr 1
is best suited for LINE1 and SVA.
- Genotypes: according to the VCF format, 0 == TE presence == reference genome; 1 == TE absence == ALT
- False positives: TypeREF calls 0/1 or 1/1 but the locus is not called by GIAB for HG002
- False negatives: TypeREF calls 0/0 but GIAB/HG002 is 0/1 or 1/1
- "Matching genotypes": among the true positives, does the bi-allelic genotype match between TypeREF and GIAB ? (1/1 == 1/1 or 0/1 == 0/1)
Note that the amount of LINE1 and SVA is very low in comparison to Alu