Releases: cogneon/lernos-for-you
lernOS for You Guide Version 2.0
- Rewrite of introduction chapter (more focus on livelong learning, knowledge society & knowledge work)
- Learning paths renamed (description instead of abbreviation)
- lernOS Workplace added (overview of tools used in the own workplace)
- Rewrite of GTD learning path (ordering according to GTD workbook, GTD Book no longer precondition)
- Rewrite of WOL learning path (back to the roots, observable work + narrating your work)
- Mindset, Skillset & Toolset no longer named "lernOS Wheel"
- lernOS Flow Microsoft 365 Edition added to appendix
- Circle moderator checklist moved to appendix
- Number of images increased
- Katas harmonized (no metadata anymore, steps)
- FIXED comment function no works on all pages
lernOS for You Guide Version 1.7
- Chatpter introduction completly reworked (focus on learning and knowledge work)
- lernOS Memex added
- lernOS Flow added
- Week 0 with Katas Past Forward, lernOS Canvas, and Circle Moderation Checklist in learning path added
- Englische version removed (will be added again in version 2.0)
lernOS for You Guide Version 1.6
- Source document in markdown modularized (chapters are individual files)
- New folder structure introduced (sources in separate folder)
- Responsive web version with navigation, search and comment function added
lernOS for You Guide Version 1.5
- New chapter License and "CC BY" removed from title
- New definition of mindset (attitude and values)
- All format specifics moved to (resumed) moderator checklist in appendix
- Links to web presentation and lernOS Stories added
- lernOS Circle Template (OneNote) updated
- Chapter "lernOS Sprint" adapted to new learning paths
- Chapter "Learning paths for beginners revised
lernOS for You Guide Version 1.4
- New learning paths for OKR and GTD added
- Link to lernOS CircleFinder added to preface
- Moderator checklist removed from learning path (separate markdown document now)
- lernOS Canvas and OneNote template moved to lernOS Core repository
- Improved metadata creation for E-Book versions
lernOS Guide for You Version 1.3
- New „high level structure“ for lernOS Guides applied
- Order in introduction chapter changed (Sprint, Wheel, Circle)
- Hashtags removed from „ProTips“
- Placeholders for OKR and GTD learning paths added
- Kata „Design Your Future Backwards“ added to week 0, Kata „Think visual with the lernOS Canvas“ moved to week 0
- Skillset: table of skills expanded to act as self assessment tool
- Number of circle support tools reduced based on WOL survey 2018
- Standardized preface added
- Content and structure in chapter acknowledgements improved
- Standard orange backside cover added
lernOS Guide for You Version 1.2
- Guideline renamed to „lernOS Guide for You“
- lernOS logo added to cover page, Telegram User Group replaced by CONNECT
- Mobi version (Amazon) added to output formats
- Generation of all output files via make.bat
- Table of Contents (TOC) added to html version
lernOS Version 1.1
The feedback from the pilot circles was implemented in this release. Main changes are the renaming of lernOS Sprints/Circles to Learning Sprints/Circles, the positining of OKR as default goal setting method and the implementation of the NOOB learning path with the reduced kata set of only 11 katas (version 1.0 had 31).
lernOS Version 1.0.1
I got the hint that the roots and inspirations of lernOS are listed on the websites but not in the lernOS Guide. Thus I added a chapter "Acknowledgedment" listing key people and organizations in the movement.
lernOS Version 1.0
This is the initial release of lernOS (for individuals) containing the guide, the canvas, and the onenote circle template. All sources are available in english and german. Images are available in 96dpi, 300dpi, svg source format (svg). To be able to download, modify and create other versions some tools are requiered: markdown editor (we use, pandoc document converter, inkscape for modifying images.