Spinnaker is a set of tools for working with NOAA nautical chart data. NOAA publishes electronic nautical chart data (ENCs), and the printable raster nautical chart series (RNCs).
Takes a RNC file (.KAP
) converts and projects to GeoTIFF.
./rnc_convert.rb 11411.KAP
Writes a TIFF file out to the current directory.
Spinnaker is a script for importing OpenSeaMap tagged data from OpenStreetMap into your own PostGIS database. It uses imposm, an OSM importing utility, to create a custom set of database tables containing nautical features like seamarkers, buoys, channels, etc.
Once imposm and its prerequisites are running, you can use the spinnaker custom table file to import nautical features from OSM extracts.
Run the import like this:
imposm -U dbuser -d dbname -m spinnaker-mapping.py --read --write --optimize --deploy-production-tables florida.osm.pbf
- Extracts by region, from Geofabrik
- OpenSeaMap tagging
- OpenSeaMap
- Chart Previews