IndoorClimateControl is a project initially designed for thermal and hygrostatic regulation in semi-closed environments (meaning the exchange with the outside is controlled). The system is intended to be flexible, modular, and resilient. It uses a set of modules, virtually separated into input, output, and compute categories, each interconnected following a nodal design. The target platforms are ESP32, ESP8266, and Arduino (ATMega).
The system relies on a modular architecture where each module represents a distinct functionality or component. Each module is a class that inherits from module_base
. They implement two essential methods:
- init()
- loop()
Modules are dynamically added to a central array called module_heap
, allowing periodic execution, and supporting multithreading depending on the platform. In the config.h
file, you can enable the desired modules via preprocessor directives.
To add a new module, you need to create a class that inherits from module_base
and implements the init()
and loop()
Once the module is created, it can be added to the "heap" in the main.cpp
file by calling the addModule()
method as follows:
object.addModule("arbitrary name", <refresh rate in ms>, <new mySpecificFunction(arg1, arg2...)>, <execute init on creation, optional, default=true>);