Probably won't go too far, so yeah.
Right now only simple text search works. But feel free to contribute!
Build deps:
idk, lol. Normal build stuff...
To build for Windows:
Visual Studio Build Tools for C++
# Get git, cmake, make, libcurl from your Distro. libcurl might have to be libcurl-dev or something depending on your Distro
git clone
cd beatcppver
./ #(asks for sudo password)
# You can now remove the directory again, if you like
That's it. The library is now installed under /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include. And it generates a pkg-config file, but I don't really get that yet.
You could probably als build this without vcpkg. This is just how I managed to build the library on Windows 10.Install download and install vcpkg somewhere. I will reference this folder as <vcpkg_root> from now on.
I did all of this in git-bash, but you can also use Powershell or something. Even Visual Studio Code actually.
cd <vcpkg_root>
# This next line might has to be run as root
./vcpkg.exe integrate install
# Copy the -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE Path in the output. You will need it later.
./vcpkg.exe install nlohmann-json:x64-windows
./vcpkg.exe install curl:x64-windows
# if you want to build the test:
./vcpkg.exe install catch2:x64-windows
cd <folder_where_beatcppver_should_be>
git clone
# You can also pass -G "MinGW Makefiles" to configure to compile the library using mingw. Both MSVC and MinGW work as of now.
./ "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<insert the path from above>" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
# In case you forgot to replace the <vcpkg_root> or just called ./configure without any arguments
# it will probably tell you it doesn't find some libraries in the next step.
# In that case you have to remove the build directory: rm -rf build/
# Then you would have to rerun configure.
The dll should now be in the build/Debug directory. For some reason it won't create a Release directory on windows.
You can also pass the option "-DBEATCPPVER_STATIC=1" to to build a static library
Spotify Web API