Python-CLI to easily create recipes for python-for-android. I use it for building a kivy-app with buildozer.
This is useful if the installation with pip fails or you don't want to add all requirements manually to your buildozer.spec file, only to note on building that the dependencies itself have unmet dependencies.
- Searches PyPI or Github for source-url by api-request
- Prompts the user with a choice for possible versions
- Fetches the dependencies of a package recursively by use of pipdeptree on the locally installed version of the package
The generated recipe should be seen as a template, even though in simple cases it can work out of the box. See Troubleshooting
pip install git+
We need to add the path of our recipes in the apropriate place in the buildozer.spec of the project:
p4a.local_recipes = ./src/python-for-android/recipes/
Usage example:
python -m generate_p4a_recipe --package-name="some_package" --project-dir="/path/to/kivy-project/"
Help text:
python /path/to/script/ -h
NAME - Recipe Generator for python-for-android
SYNOPSIS --package_name=PACKAGE_NAME <flags>
Obtains the necessary data to fill a recipe template for a package and saves it
under <project_dir>/scr/python-for-android/recipes/<package_name>/
For full functionality <package_name> (in the desired version) and pipdeptree
should be installed in the current python environment.
For further info see .
Name of the package for which the recipe should be generated.
Source of the package. If not set, user is prompted with possible options.
If url is not set, user is prompted with possible options.
If not set, user is prompted with possible options.
Directory where the recipe should be saved. Defaults to ".".
start script in correct python-environment
make sure to have correct version of package installed (dependencies might change)
have a look at
when building with buildozer, you might need to clean the build for changes to take effect
you might need additional dependencies like setuptools at build-time, which are not listed in the requirements
-> check if necessary, add manually, try with call_hostpython_via_targetpython = False
- pystache - filling the template
- fire - CLI
- simple-term-menu - selection of options in terminal
- attrs - defining classes easily
- requests - making requests to the github- or pypi-api
- pipdeptree - displays dependency tree of package