Releases: djdron/UnrealSpeccyP
Version 0.0.77 (Emscripten/Javascript)
Based on SDL2 + GLESv2 platforms.
Version 0.0.75 (Android)
GigaScreen video mode support option
Version (Android)
bugfix with EGL initialization on some devices
Version 0.0.74 (Android)
GLESv2 rendering
Black-and-white option
Ukrainian language added
Version 0.0.73 (Android)
bugfix with slow emulation on some modern devices like Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 (do not use old 16 bit texture format)
Version 0.0.72 (Dingoo A320)
able to browse files inside zip archives
fixed non-ASCII chars in file open dialogs
.szx snapshots support
more .rzx replays supported (with .szx snapshots inside)
Reset to service ROM option added
.fdi file format support
fixed crash when r/w beyond of disk image
memory leaks, uninitialized vars, etc. fixed
bugfix with opening tape files when .rzx replay working
files sorting in open file dialog
select last opened file
rzx replays support
true rom in 48k mode
bugfix with R register emulation when interrupt occured
bugfixes with snapshots loading
Version 0.0.71 (google chrome PNaCl)
press section fixed
demos section works with
PNaCL used instead of NaCL
Version (Raspberry Pi Jessie) web source added
press section from vtrdos web source added
Version 0.0.70 (Android) web source integrated instead of ZXAAA
Version 0.0.69 (Raspberry Pi Jessie)
web sources support (vtrdos, rzxarchive)
settings & files from web placed in ~/.usp folder