A simple Movie Rental API with Node and Express.js
A REST API for a Movie Rental Business:
- Show all available Movies to Rent.
- Each Movie (Movie Title), may have many copies (Movie Copy)
- A User can register
- A User can do Login/Logout using a Auth Token
- A User can Rent one or many Movie Copies available
- A User just can Rent Available Movies (a Movie Copy not Rented)
- A User can Return a Movie Copy rented using a movie_copy_id
- For list, rent and return movies, a User should be authenticated
1 - Update packages
$ npm install
2 - Start Server
$ npm start
3 - Server available on:
1 - Go to the database path
$ cd movie_rental/db/
2 - Delete migration lock (if exists)
$ rm sequelize-meta.json
3 - Create a alias for Sequelize CLI (Optional)
$ alias sequelize='../node_modules/.bin/sequelize'
4 - Run migration
$ sequelize db:migrate
5 - Populate database
$ sequelize db:seed:all
- Run tests
$ npm test
Note: All endpoints (except /users/register and /users/authenticate) must be authenticated using User Token on the Authorization Header!
CURL example:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/movies/available -H 'authorization: Bearer 4user.generated.tok3n'
POST /users/authenticate
Authenticate a user, return the Auth Token
body params(JSON format) :
- username (The user email)
- password (User password)
- token (Use it on Authorization Header Bearer)
POST /users/register
Register a new user
body params(JSON format):
- username (The user email)
- password (User password)
- firstName (User First Name)
- lastName (User Last Name)
- token (Use it on Authorization Header Bearer)
GET /movies/available
Show a list of all available Movies for Rent and its quantity.
- returns:
- id (Available Movie Title id. Use it for Rent a movie)
- title (Movie title name)
- availables (available quantity)
POST /movies/rent/<movie_id>
Rent a Movie for a User. Get the first available Copy of a Movie, register the rent and returns the Movie Copy Info rented.
- url params:
- movie_id (ID of a available Movie Title)
- returns:
- rent
- id (id of the Rent)
- movieCopy_ID (id of a Movie Copy. Use it for return the Movie)
- User_ID (id of the User),
- rentalDate (Rent timestamp),
- rent
PUT /movies/return/<movie_copy_id>
Returns a Movie for a User.
- url params:
- movie_copy_id (ID of a Movie Copy for return)
- returns:
- msg: (Status messagem)
- success: (Success Status)