Floods occur in many parts of the country every year claiming the life and property that worth millions of rupees. Early warning about the flood occurrence could be very useful to minimize this loss in terms of lives and money. Our project FFEWS is concerned with solving the similar problem. Our project is Flash Flood Early Warning System (FFEWS). FFEWS project, as its name suggests, is an early warning system for flash flood. Our project will include the basic features of following parts: Information Database, Data Collection and Forecasts, Communication and Warning, Disaster Information, Flood Map Generation. Various hydrological data, satellite forecast data, inundation models, digital terrain data etc will be used in the project. Our project is supposed to help the related agencies and authorities to solve the disaster problem. In overall, our project is assumed help the mankind in whole.
Keywords: Flash Flood, Flood Map Generation, Forecast data, Inundation model, Digital Terrain data, Satellite Forecast data.
Please refer to Docs
for the final project report.
Link: [Flash Flood Early Warning System]https://github.com/dulalsaurab/Flash-Flood-Early-Warning-Systme-FFEWS/blob/master/Docs/Thesis%20on%20Flash%20Flood%20Early%20Warning%20System.pdf