This is a FLOW3 package that provides a OAuth 2 provider, you could use it for example to enable access to your FLOW3 Application APIs by third party clients (i.e. Mobile clients) without tell username/password to the app
- Install the Kyoki.OAuth2 package in FLOW3
Copy tne package inside FLOW3/Packages/Applications:
cd /var/www/FLOW3/Packages/Applications git clone git:// cd /var/www/FLOW3 ./flow3 doctrine:update
- SetUp you FLOW3 config file configurations/Settings.yaml
TYPO3: FLOW3: security: enable: TRUE authentication: authenticationStrategy: atLeastOneToken providers: # your DefaultProvider DefaultProvider: provider: PersistedUsernamePasswordProvider entryPoint: 'WebRedirect' entryPointOptions: uri: '/login' requestPatterns: # a regexp pattern to disable the DefaultProvider in every Controller for every package named ApiController or TokenController # It could be a better regexp of your own # TokenController belongs to the Kyoki.OAuth2 package # ApiController (or any other controller) is the controller securized by an OAuth access token controllerObjectName: '(?!.*(Api|Token)Controller).*' OAuthTokenProvider: provider: Kyoki\OAuth2\Security\Authentication\Provider\AccessTokenProvider token: Kyoki\OAuth2\Security\Authentication\Token\AccessTokenHttpBasic requestPatterns: # ApiController (or any other controller) is the controller securized by an OAuth access token controllerObjectName: Acme\Demoapp\Controller\ApiController entryPoint: HttpBasic entryPointOptions: realm: 'OAuth2 Access Token Authentication'
There are routes defined in Kyoki.OAuth2 for /authorize and /token
- Ensure that the authenticateAction in you package redirects to requested url after successfuly login
for example:
public function authenticateAction() { try { $this->authenticationManager->authenticate(); } catch (\TYPO3\FLOW3\Security\Exception\AuthenticationRequiredException $exception) { $this->flashMessageContainer->addMessage(new \TYPO3\FLOW3\Error\Message('Wrong username or password.')); $this->redirect('login'); } if ($interceptedRequest = $this->securityContext->getInterceptedRequest()) { $this->redirect($interceptedRequest->getControllerActionName(), $interceptedRequest->getControllerName(), $interceptedRequest->getControllerPackageKey(), $interceptedRequest->getArguments()); } else { $this->redirect('index'); } }
- Create a controller and protect it with a Policy.yaml
There are 2 roles:
OAuth this role is declared in the Kyoki.OAuth2 package and allows to request tokens
myscope (or the name that you want) this role should match a OAuthScope identifier and need to be asigned to the user to be able to access the API resources protected by OAuth tokens:
resources: methods: Acme_Demoapp_Api: 'method(Acme\Demoapp\Controller\ApiController->.*Action())' roles: myscope: [] User: [OAuth,myscope] acls: User: methods: Acme_Demoapp_Api: GRANT myscope: methods: Acme_Demoapp_Api: GRANT
- Create the required domain objects: Accounts, OAuthClient and OAuthScope
OAuthClient: is an API it could be owned by the user itself or by other user, for example the API owner. The redirectUri property in the OAuthClient defines the beginning part of the URL that must match with the URL from you are querying the API. The account associated is important also cause you are identified as this account when you request a new Token with /token action
OAuthScope: when someone request access permission it sends a scope in the parameters, this scope must match a role name defined in Policy.yaml and defines the permissions of this scope.
- There is a Acme.Demoapp package inside the directory Tests/lamp/
- You can deploy a new virtualbox with vagrant with a fully FLOW3 installation with OAuth configured
- There is an exmple OAuth client/consumer in inside the directory Tests/lamp/client