This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 30, 2020. It is now read-only.
Releases: flyntwp/flynt-cli
Releases · flyntwp/flynt-cli
Bug Fixes
- create: remove flynt core package from custom repos (#77) (1a3548c)
- create: use .test instead of .dev for default local domain (#74) (c58f9d6)
- create: use https url for theme instead of ssh (#78) (c3bc8f7)
Code Refactoring
- create: update composer php dependencies (#75) (d7ff25b)
- dbConfig: allow using different ports and sockets for db connections (#70) (a610ae9)
- bower: Going forward, bower will not be supported by the flynt-cli anymore.
Bug Fixes
- activateWordpress: set default rewrite structure (972a9bd)
- clone: add searchReplaceStrings to configFields again (89be60a)
- cloneDb: hardcode replace-in-file binary location (06fcf6e)
- create: initGitRepo at end of create (7743e19), closes #12
- create: install yarn and bower packages explicitely (c9c83c3)
- create: only add acf pro and wpm pro keys to .env if given (7124b7b)
- deploy: add exludes to rsync call (6420981)
- deploy: adjust deployExcludes default value (91577b9)
- deploy: remove theme rsyncExcludes (8b80ea4)
- deploy: remove trailing slash from deploy src (fb54d33)
- deploy: show correct help dialog (250bdad)
- execCommand: preserve colors for gulp (inherit stdio on spawn) (4312143)
- handleCommand: correctly use answers from config (54551e8)
- prompts: filter prompt by name after prompt function was executed (1f9fea8)
- requireComposerPackages: do not add duplicates to composer.json (repos, mu-plugins) (ecd42b4)
- setup: add wp cli dotenv requirement to setupWordpress (6f3b88c)
- setup: quote wpTitle in setupWordpress command (fb66440)
- utils/addLinesToFiles.js: typo (de636d1)
- .flynt.json: add newline when writing file (665441a), closes #29
- activateWordpress: activate all plugins (6c9d490)
- activateWordpress: flush rewrite rules and create .htaccess (d4eaaa4)
- adjustGitignore: add /tmp/ and /backup/ to gitignore (76becb9), closes #1 #2
- adjustGitignore: remove web/.htaccess from .gitignore (1168c61)
- bower: add bower install and update subcommands (7adf62f)
- build: add build command for building theme (a5bfd1d)
- buildArguments: take options as argument and apply to main and subcommands (28ffa92)
- clone: add clone db and clone uploads + logic to read and write config files with environments (13694fc)
- clone: add wp replace config (74d64c1)
- clone: only replace basePath and wpHome on clone (6b10c14)
- cloneDb: add prompt for additional search & replace strings (8f4862e)
- cloneDb: use replaceInFile module instead of sed for db adjustments (f7a7429)
- commands: add run messages to all commands (989f98a)
- commands: add verbose mode (e78413f)
- config: read and write config by default (064356b)
- config: save answers to config as soon as possible (b38842d)
- create: add symlink to theme in root folder (54454f1), closes #49
- create: build theme before activateWordpress (8b11802)
- create: improve package installation in installComposerPackages (9b097b2)
- create: remove .env from .gitignore (9a10088)
- create: replace host and sourceRoot in gulp config file with project specific values (2f9c019)
- create: set bedrock version to 1.7.4 on installBedrock subcommand (4593531)
- deploy: add default deploy command (1d99a2f)
- deploy: add default rsyncFlag --delete + add dry-run option to deploy task (06f4983)
- exec: use spawn instead of exec and include fix for windows (ee3aa83)
- force: execute flynt commands in root folder unless force flag added (b934fb2)
- force: prompt for using root path + alter root path find method (3e95add)
- getRootPath: only check for .flynt.json file to determine root path (3722437)
- help: show help if no command specified (31094ee), closes #39
- install: add install command for yarn and composer packages (39def9d)
- installBedrock: allow create in current directory (ca16437)
- lint: add standard and babel eslint + fix linting errors (2b7b6e3)
- notifier: create notifier to show summary at the end of all commands (23eed94)
- prompts: add environment in env specific prompt messages (75b476f)
- prompts: use config values for default answers (8bb9df5)
- requireComposerPackages: add composer repos and packages prompts (c7410fd)
- requireComposerPackages: remove WP Migrate DB Pro installation (fc8f9ef)
- setup: activate wordpress (e61dc24)
- setup: add install bower (4a140c1)
- setup: add setup command for existing projects on new environment (9ac4158)
- setup: create db + setup wordpress (ed370ec)
- setup: createDb with long form mysql arguments for user and password (9cd5654)
- setup: init git repo + basic setup command (2e3be18)
- setup: installBedrock in current folder + saveConfig immediately after prompts (439bcd1)
- setup: read from and write to config file (3c2ff77)
- setup: require composer packages (fe75f77)
- setup: setup theme (f048e56)
- startYarn: clear previous spinner line on browserSync output (fc1da86)
- startYarn: display more gulp output in non-verbose mode (3451c71)
- startYarn: display startup message and switch to watching message (97a8ddc)
- startYarn: show browserSync messages in non verbose mode (cedac6d)
- theme: add themeName prompt and do not use projectName for theme related tasks (c8e8c84)
- upgrade: add upgrade command for yarn upgrade and composer update (b2ae718)
- usage: add group for command specific options (1542db2)
- watch: add watch command for running dev workflow (371e8cf)
- yarnStart: remove unneeded log import (f1bb2a6)