These are scripts that help make it possible to run an analysis solely from a bash script
- use this script with the output from something like qiimeToMaaslin
- this will trim the output to an exact level of your choosing
- heatmap.R
- use this from the command line to make heatmaps using one category of your choosing
- uses the output from as included with Maaslin
- use this to add metadata to your tsv otu table without modifying the features
- requires a tsv formatted otu table (with the top line as sample ids)
- use this to check if your barcodes and primers look like they match a fastq file
- I use this when I am taking fastq files, barcodes, and primers from SRA, as I am not confident that all was entered correctly
- it will output a new mapping file with the values of proportion exact match for both the barcode and the primer
- it will print a warning if a certain sample matches its barcode under a specified proportion [default: 0.5]
- when cannot detect the format of a file, it adds a big header
- this will sense that and remove it if necessary
- use this to help build a mapping file when you are just given fastq files
- it takes a barcodes.fastq file from extract -f compiled.fastq -c barcode_single_end --bc1_len 12 -o extracted_barcodes
- it will also print a warning if the best barcode match was below an arbitrary cutoff
- use this to add a column to a mapping file indicating presence or absence of a feature
- it takes in a mapping file, a tsv otu table, and a feature name in all cases
- optionally, it can take in a category (from the original mapping file) and that category's positive value and will print some standard metrics
use this to make an otu table and a rep set from the assignments file that is the output of running stirrups reference
the reference set is helpful for building a tree so that phylogeny based metrics can be calculated
Some things to note:
I will try to get some examples up soon
I have only tested these with my data - they have worked so far, but if there is an issue, post it
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