BrainCellCount is an open-source, semi-automatically Slice-to-volume Brain Aligner, to count cells via mapping mouse brain regions of interests (ROIs) between the studying brain and the Allen mouse brain atlas CCFv3.
BrainCellCount requires ANTs registration toolkit to be installed.
BrainCellCount uses Python 3 and depends on python packages such as numpy, scipy, scikit-image, ....
To create a new conda environment:
conda create -n braincellcount python=3.8
conda activate braincellcount
Install required python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Here is a basic guide that introduces BrainCellCount and its functionalities.
Data preparation
put your 2D slice images (*.tif) into a file "filelist.txt":
for i in {1..15}_{1..10}.tif; do echo $i >> filelist.txt; done
downsample all images into the same size and set image boundaries with zeros:
n=100; while read file; do if [ -f $file ]; then n=$((n+1)); python $file im${n}.nii.gz; fi; done < filelist.txt
Map 2D slice images to CCFv3
select ~10 - 15 "key" 2D slice images and find matched the slice of CCFv3, save to "npoints.txt"
map the rest 2D slice images to CCFv3 using scipy.optimize.curve_fit, save all best matched pair images' z positions to "ready2reg.txt"
ensure to be registered the images are under "./sampled" and template images are under "./ccf", create an output folder ".reg"
proofread and label the slices when their rotations are more than 90 degrees to "rotations.txt" with 90/180/270, run:
Count cells in each interested brain area
put cell segmentation images into "binaryimage" folder
put your ROIs into a CSV file "interestedregions.csv", e.g. ROIs in this study
to obtain the cell counting result, run:
python cellseg.tif alignedannotations.nii.gz fig.eps
To cite this software package, please reference, as appropriate:
Rong Gong , Shengjin Xu, Ann Hermundstad , Yang Yu, Scott M. Sternson. Double negative feedback controls palatability in convergent hunger and thirst circuits. Cell. 2020.