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feat(metadata)!: rework as a provider (#239)
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This is a massive rework to how metadata is handled. This allows for very powerful interactions with the metadata including trust anchor validation, status report validation customization, control over if attestation types are validated against the metadata, exclusion of zero AAGUID's, ensuring a metadata entry for the authentication exists, etc.  In addition it allows the implementer to more easily control caching logic and implement locking and live refreshes of the metadata where necessary. It should reasonably be expected that anyone currently using the metadata package will have quite a bit of work to do. In the release we'll aim to include migration instructions but there is unfortunately it will require some additional work. 

Closes #77, Closes #154

BREAKING CHANGE: This change will require manual intervention from the implementer. Information is likely to be provided at a later date helping with the migrations required.
  • Loading branch information
james-d-elliott authored Jul 17, 2024
1 parent a5c838a commit 6713911
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Showing 42 changed files with 2,525 additions and 868 deletions.
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -290,10 +290,56 @@ func main() {

## Credential Record

The WebAuthn Level 3 specification describes the Credential Record which includes several required and optional elements
that you should store for. See [§ 4 Terminology]( for details.

This section describes this element.

The fields listed in the specification have corresponding fields in the [webauthn.Credential] struct. See the below
table for more information. We also include JSON mappings for those that wish to just store these values as JSON.

| Specification Field | Library Field | JSON Field | Notes |
| type | N/A | N/A | This field is always `publicKey` for WebAuthn |
| id | ID | id | |
| publicKey | PublicKey | publicKey | |
| signCount | Authenticator.SignCount | authenticator.signCount | |
| transports | Transport | transport | |
| uvInitialized | Flags.UserVerified | flags.userVerified | |
| backupEligible | Flags.BackupEligible | flags.backupEligible | |
| backupState | Flags.BackupState | flags.backupState | |
| attestationObject | Attestation.Object | attestation.object | This field is a composite of the attestationObject and the relevant values to validate it |
| attestationClientDataJSON | Attestation.ClientDataJSON | attestation.clientDataJSON | |

### Storage

It is also important to note that restoring the [webauthn.Credential] with the correct values will likely affect the
validity of the [webauthn.Credential], i.e. if some values are not restored the [webauthn.Credential] may fail
validation in this scenario.

### Verification

As long as the [webauthn.Credential] struct has exactly the same values when restored the [Credential Verify] function
can be leveraged to verify the credential against the [metadata.Provider]. This can be either done during registration,
on every login, or with a audit schedule.

In addition to using the [Credential Verify] function the
[webauthn.Config]( can contain a provider which will
process all registrations automatically.

At this time no tooling exists to verify the credential automatically outside the registration flow. Implementation of
this is considered domain logic and beyond the scope of what we provide documentation for; we just provide the necessary
tooling to implement this yourself.

## Acknowledgements

We graciously acknowledge the original authors of this library [] for their amazing
implementation. Without their amazing work this library could not exist.

[Credential Verify]:
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions metadata/const.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package metadata

const (
ProductionMDSRoot = "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"

// Production MDS URL
ProductionMDSURL = ""


// Example from
ExampleMDSRoot = "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"

const (
HeaderX509URI = "x5u"
HeaderX509Certificate = "x5c"

var (
errIntermediateCertRevoked = &MetadataError{
Type: "intermediate_revoked",
Details: "Intermediate certificate is on issuers revocation list",
errLeafCertRevoked = &MetadataError{
Type: "leaf_revoked",
Details: "Leaf certificate is on issuers revocation list",
errCRLUnavailable = &MetadataError{
Type: "crl_unavailable",
Details: "Certificate revocation list is unavailable",
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions metadata/decode.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
package metadata

import (


// NewDecoder returns a new metadata decoder.
func NewDecoder(opts ...DecoderOption) (decoder *Decoder, err error) {
decoder = &Decoder{
client: &http.Client{},
parser: jwt.NewParser(),
hook: mapstructure.ComposeDecodeHookFunc(),

for _, opt := range opts {
if err = opt(decoder); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply decoder option: %w", err)

if decoder.root == "" {
decoder.root = ProductionMDSRoot

return decoder, nil

// Decoder handles decoding and specialized parsing of the metadata blob.
type Decoder struct {
client *http.Client
parser *jwt.Parser
hook mapstructure.DecodeHookFunc
root string
ignoreEntryParsingErrors bool

// Parse handles parsing of the raw JSON values of the metadata blob. Should be used after using Decode or DecodeBytes.
func (d *Decoder) Parse(payload *PayloadJSON) (metadata *Metadata, err error) {
metadata = &Metadata{
Parsed: Parsed{
LegalHeader: payload.LegalHeader,
Number: payload.Number,

if metadata.Parsed.NextUpdate, err = time.Parse(time.DateOnly, payload.NextUpdate); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error occurred parsing next update value '%s': %w", payload.NextUpdate, err)

var parsed Entry

for _, entry := range payload.Entries {
if parsed, err = entry.Parse(); err != nil {
metadata.Unparsed = append(metadata.Unparsed, EntryError{
Error: err,
EntryJSON: entry,


metadata.Parsed.Entries = append(metadata.Parsed.Entries, parsed)

if n := len(metadata.Unparsed); n != 0 && !d.ignoreEntryParsingErrors {
return metadata, fmt.Errorf("error occurred parsing metadata: %d entries had errors during parsing", n)

return metadata, nil

// Decode the blob from an io.ReadCloser. This function will close the io.ReadCloser after completing.
func (d *Decoder) Decode(r io.ReadCloser) (payload *PayloadJSON, err error) {
defer r.Close()

bytes, err := io.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

return d.DecodeBytes(bytes)

// DecodeBytes handles decoding raw bytes. If you have a read closer it's suggested to use Decode.
func (d *Decoder) DecodeBytes(bytes []byte) (payload *PayloadJSON, err error) {
var token *jwt.Token

if token, err = d.parser.Parse(string(bytes), func(token *jwt.Token) (any, error) {
// 2. If the x5u attribute is present in the JWT Header, then
if _, ok := token.Header[HeaderX509URI].([]any); ok {
// never seen an x5u here, although it is in the spec
return nil, errors.New("x5u encountered in header of metadata TOC payload")

// 3. If the x5u attribute is missing, the chain should be retrieved from the x5c attribute.
var (
x5c, chain []any
ok, valid bool

if x5c, ok = token.Header[HeaderX509Certificate].([]any); !ok {
// If that attribute is missing as well, Metadata TOC signing trust anchor is considered the TOC signing certificate chain.
chain[0] = d.root
} else {
chain = x5c

// The certificate chain MUST be verified to properly chain to the metadata TOC signing trust anchor.
if valid, err = validateChain(d.root, chain); !valid || err != nil {
return nil, err

// Chain validated, extract the TOC signing certificate from the chain. Create a buffer large enough to hold the
// certificate bytes.
o := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(chain[0].(string))))

var (
n int
cert *x509.Certificate

// Decode the base64 certificate into the buffer.
if n, err = base64.StdEncoding.Decode(o, []byte(chain[0].(string))); err != nil {
return nil, err

// Parse the certificate from the buffer.
if cert, err = x509.ParseCertificate(o[:n]); err != nil {
return nil, err

// 4. Verify the signature of the Metadata TOC object using the TOC signing certificate chain
// jwt.Parse() uses the TOC signing certificate public key internally to verify the signature.
return cert.PublicKey, err
}); err != nil {
return nil, err

var decoder *mapstructure.Decoder

payload = &PayloadJSON{}

if decoder, err = mapstructure.NewDecoder(&mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
Metadata: nil,
Result: payload,
DecodeHook: d.hook,
TagName: "json",
}); err != nil {
return nil, err

if err = decoder.Decode(token.Claims); err != nil {
return payload, err

return payload, nil

// DecoderOption is a representation of a function that can set options within a decoder.
type DecoderOption func(decoder *Decoder) (err error)

// WithIgnoreEntryParsingErrors is a DecoderOption which ignores errors when parsing individual entries. The values for
// these entries will exist as an unparsed entry.
func WithIgnoreEntryParsingErrors() DecoderOption {
return func(decoder *Decoder) (err error) {
decoder.ignoreEntryParsingErrors = true

return nil

// WithRootCertificate overrides the root certificate used to validate the authenticity of the metadata payload.
func WithRootCertificate(value string) DecoderOption {
return func(decoder *Decoder) (err error) {
decoder.root = value

return nil

func validateChain(root string, chain []any) (bool, error) {
oRoot := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(root)))

nRoot, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(oRoot, []byte(root))
if err != nil {
return false, err

rootcert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(oRoot[:nRoot])
if err != nil {
return false, err

roots := x509.NewCertPool()


o := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(chain[1].(string))))

n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(o, []byte(chain[1].(string)))
if err != nil {
return false, err

intcert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(o[:n])
if err != nil {
return false, err

if revoked, ok := revoke.VerifyCertificate(intcert); !ok {
issuer := intcert.IssuingCertificateURL

if issuer != nil {
return false, errCRLUnavailable
} else if revoked {
return false, errIntermediateCertRevoked

ints := x509.NewCertPool()

l := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(chain[0].(string))))

n, err = base64.StdEncoding.Decode(l, []byte(chain[0].(string)))
if err != nil {
return false, err

leafcert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(l[:n])
if err != nil {
return false, err

if revoked, ok := revoke.VerifyCertificate(leafcert); !ok {
return false, errCRLUnavailable
} else if revoked {
return false, errLeafCertRevoked

opts := x509.VerifyOptions{
Roots: roots,
Intermediates: ints,

_, err = leafcert.Verify(opts)

return err == nil, err

func mdsParseX509Certificate(value string) (certificate *x509.Certificate, err error) {
var n int

raw := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(value)))

if n, err = base64.StdEncoding.Decode(raw, []byte(strings.TrimSpace(value))); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error occurred parsing *x509.certificate: error occurred decoding base64 data: %w", err)

if certificate, err = x509.ParseCertificate(raw[:n]); err != nil {
return nil, err

return certificate, nil
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions metadata/doc.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
// Package metadata handles metadata validation instrumentation.
package metadata

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