A weather interface for the coffee table... Below is the Source for the WeatherBuddy project. Containing sources for board hardware/layout, firmware and User Interface.
The purpose of this project is to learn a bit about internet connected microcontrollers.
- Particle Photon -- Wifi enabled MicroController
- Nextion Enhanced NX4024K032 - Generic 3.2'' HMI Touch Display
- Jumper Cables
- [C/C++] - Arduino language... basically C/C++
- [Nextion Editor] - Used for building interfaces for Nextion HMIs
# clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/grahamplata/WeatherBuddy.git
# Locally builds for photon
$ ./bin/build
# Places Photon into DFU mode
$ ./bin/dfu-mac
# Flashes the current build to local usb photon
$ ./bin/flash