Sharding Stateful Services From Modular Hashing To Consistent Hashing (Implementation)
Issues with throughput? Replicate and try out master slave architecture. Shoot but what if it's the memory that's the bottleneck.
You have a stateful service that runs on a single node. The size of your state stored on a single node is getting out of hand, maybe it's a sqlite server that has hit its OS file size limits, or maybe it's an in memory state for a game server. It is in your hands to scale horizontally. Go!
Put up a proxy, load balance with an algorithm that maintains a mapping of state, server, and requests. Our choice of algorithm is consistent hashing. (Read the accompanying article to understand why not modular hashing).
Incoming requests get key && upload key value
Node server A
Client ----> Proxy -----> Node server B
Node server C
An incoming request is first intercepted by the proxy. The proxy inspects the sharding key, and using the consistent hashing algorithm that it maintains, it makes the request to the right node server from its cluster pool, once this it takes the response from the node server it then relays back the response to the client
<-------- Node server A
Client <---- Proxy Node server B
Node server C
The proxy maintains the algorithm. All the nodes are mapped onto the consistent hashing ring. The proxy is not a part of the ring. It is the one that controls additions, and subtractions from this ring.
Incoming requests have a sharding key attached to it
If your proxy is really being choked by large upload get requests -> implement DSR (Direct server return) although in most request response system proxies are not the bottleneck. The proxy is IO intensive and not cpu intensive, working with state can often be cpu intensive so separating the components into proxy and node servers does not usually cause choking issues. The proxy could also be implemented in the form of a client library that creates a logical proxy and not its own separate process altogether.