- Add icon button for switching between Ethereum and Harmony Address
- HRC721 support (Add contract and Browse Items)
- Can purchase NFTs using Ledger (Need to update the harmony ledger app to the latest)
Update the harmony ledger app
- Install python 3.8
- Install pip and virtual env
[sudo] pip install -U setuptools
[sudo] pip install virtualenv
- Activate the virtual env and install ledgerblue
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ledgerblue
- Update the harmony app(use app.hex)
sudo venv/bin/python -m ledgerblue.loadApp --appFlags 0x40 --path "44'/1023'" --curve secp256k1 --tlv --targetId 0x31100004 --targetVersion="1.6.0" --delete --fileName app.hex --appName One --appVersion 1.6.0 --dataSize 0 --icon 01ffffff00ffffff00ffffffffffffc7e1bbcdbbddbbcdbbc50bd8a3ddbbddbbddb3edc7e3ffffffff