For more information on the flavor of ABNF (Augmented Backus-Naur Form) supported by this project, see RFC 5234 and RFC 7405.
npm install -g abnf
import { parseFile } from "abnf";
const rules = await parseFile("myfile.abnf");
There are a few binaries included:
Check the given ABNF file for correctness.
Usage: abnf_check [options] [abnfFile...]
Check ABNF files for syntax, unused rules, and undefined rules
-h, --help display help for command
Output the generated abstract syntax tree for the ABNF input. This output is mostly diagnostic in nature, not really meant to be parsed.
Usage: abnf_ast [options] [abnfFile...]
Output all of the rules derived from a given ABNF file
-l,--location don't remove location information
-h, --help display help for command
Generate a Peggy grammar from the ABNF. The idea is that you could then annotate this grammar with actions in order to create a useful parser.
Usage: abnf_gen [options] [abnfFile...]
Create a Peggy grammar from an ABNF file
abnfFile ABNF files to turn into peggy grammars.
-s, --startRule <ruleName> Start rule for peggy grammar. Defaults to first
rule in ABNF grammar.
--stubs Generate stubs for rules that do not exist,
rather than failing.
-o, --output <file> Output peggy grammar file name. Derived from
input file name if not specified. (default:
-u, --unused Output rules that are not reachable from the
start rule
-c, --core Include core rules from RFC 5234, Appendix B.
-h, --help display help for command
Using an ABNF, test inputs to see if they match. Returns the Peggy parse tree, which will likely be somewhat confusing until you're familiar with Peggy.
Usage: abnf_test [options] [abnfFile...]
Send test inputs to an ABNF grammar
abnfFile The ABNF to test.
-o, --output Output grammar source, if not testing. Generated
from peggyFile name if needed.
-s, --startRule <ruleName> When testing, use this as the start rule.
-t, --test <string> String to check against grammar.
-T, --testFile <file> File contents to check against grammar.
--trace Turn on peggy tracing
-h, --help display help for command
$ cat << EOF > foo.abnf
f = "abc"
$ abnf_gen foo.abnf
$ cat foo.peggy
= "abc"i
$ abnf_test foo.abnf -t abc
$ abnf_test foo.peggy -t ab
Error: Expected "abc" but "a" found.
--> command line:1:1
1 | ab
| ^
Parse the file with the given name, returning a promise for a Rules object.
Parse the given string and return a Rules object. The grammarSource
the name of the file that the input came from.
Read the stream, parse it, and return a promise for a Rules object. The
is the name of the file that the input came from.
This is used by the abnf_check
utility, and returns null if there are no reference errors, otherwise returns an array of error strings. Checks for unused or undefined rules.
The name of the first rule in the input grammar.
A hash of Rule objects indexed by uppercase rulename.
An array of RuleRef objects.
The name of the rule
The Peggy location in the input file where the rule name was defined
The definition of the rule. More information forthcoming.
The name of the rule that was referenced
The Peggy location in the input file where the rule name was referenced.