- This is a simple template project Reactjs and Nextjs. It is included front-end and back-end
- Front-end: Reactjs, Nextjs, Redux, Redux-saga, Immutablejs, Reselect, reduxsauce Ant design...etc
- Back-end: Nodejs, Expressjs, Sequelize, Sequelize-sql, Jsonwebtoken...etc
- Install Nodejs click here
- Heroku account click here if you want to deploy with heroku
- Amazon account click here if you want to deploy with amazon
- Install PostgreSQL click here if you want to use postgresql database
1: git clone [email protected]:hunghkit/reactjs-starter.git
2: cd reactjs-starter
3: yarn install or npm install
4: Add ENV: cp .env.example .env
5.1: Run front-end and back-end in a terminal: yarn dev or npm run dev
5.2: Seperate front-end and back-end
5.2.1: Run front-end: yarn fe or npm run fe
5.2.1: Run back-end: yarn be or npm run be
1: Build project: yarn build or npm run build
2: Start peview: yarn start or npm start
- Setup:
1. `heroku create $APP_NAME`
2. `heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs`
- Deploy:
1. Deploy from master branch: git push heroku master
2. Deploy from other branch: git push heroku yourbanch:master
- Config project reactjs 16.8.1 and nextjs
- Use scss with node-sass
- Renderserver via nextjs
- Deploy with heroku
- Integrate redux
- Integrate redux-form
- JWT in server
- Example with REST