- A demo tweak that shows how one can add a gif image view to the SBDashBoardMainPageView (Lockscreeen on iOS 10)
- Maybe I will make this a full tweak IDK tho just messing around with stuff really.
- Simple! Download the code and use theos!.
- Need help contact me on Twitter @iKilledAppl3.
Respect all the license states so on and so forth!
- What's the best thing you can do to help me out?
- Simple! DONATE!
- Donating helps me continue making tweaks and showing me that people actually care donate as much as you can!
- Donate here: http://is.gd/donate2ToxicAppl3Inc
[Screenshot] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iKilledAppl3/SBDashBoardGif/master/Screenshot.png)
Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg2JN-Ecbws