This repository contains two directories:
- Configurations
- isatab files
After cloning this repo, replace your local directories:
- ISAcreator-1.7/Configurations
- ISAcreator-1.7/isatab files
with the cloned directories.
Files in the Configuration directories:
This file has not been changed from the file packaged with ISACreator
The studySample.xml file contains fields specific to an organism and material type. This should facilitate entering only the information needed for each sample. The fields in this file are based on the information outlined in:
Griffin, J.L., et al. Standard reporting requirements for biological samples in metabolomics experiments: mammalian/in vivo experiments. Metabolomics, 3(3), 179–188.
This file has not been modified from the file packaged with the MetaboLights configuration of ISAcreator.
This file has not been modified from the file packaged with the MetaboLights configuration of ISAcreator.
This file has been modified from the file packaged with ISAcreator based on conversations with bioinformaticians and bench scientists.