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Install NuGet

EricGT edited this page Oct 19, 2012 · 1 revision

Installing NuGet using Visual Studio 2010 Pro

Note: These instructions were created using Visual Studio 2010 Professional

  1. Start Visual Studio
  2. From Visual Studio menu: Tools -> Extension Manager
  3. In Extension Manager dialog left panel select Online Gallery
  4. If NuGet Package Manager is not displayed in middle panel
    In search field in upper left enter: NuGet
  5. For NeGet Pacakge Manager click Download
  6. The installation requires administrator privileges.
    If you get a User Account Control dialog, complete the dialog to get permission.
  7. In Visual Studio Extension Installer dialog, click Install.
  8. When installation completes,
    from Visual Studio Extension Installer dialog, click Close.
  9. In Extension Manager, click Restart Now.
  10. After restart, using Visual Studio menu: Tools -> Options.
  11. In Options dialog left panel scroll down and select Package Manager.
  12. Select Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build.
  13. Click OK.

Output lines expected during first build

Successfully installed 'FSharpx.Compatibility.OCaml 0.1.2'.
Successfully installed 'NUnit 2.6.1'.
Successfully installed 'FsUnit'.
All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.

Location of Packages

The packages will be installed into the packages directory, but will not appear as files in Visual Studio.