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JKoelman edited this page Aug 4, 2013 · 7 revisions
Warning: Parameter 3 to plgContentPagebreak::onContentPrepare() expected to be a reference,

It's fixable by providing com_eventlist.XXXX to the line. 'onContentPrepare', array ('com_eventlist.XXXX', & $row, & $params, 0));

Extension not allowed .jpg with attachments

Make sure you did allow the extensions to be uploaded. The option is set by the eventlist config button and has to be saved.

Ony variables should be passes with attachments

This can be solved by doing something like: $tmp = explode(".", strtolower($file)); if (!in_array(end($tmp), $allowed)) { Instead of if (!in_array(end(explode(".", strtolower($file))), $allowed)) {

Unable to find install package

When you're uploading a big zip-file this error can be there. Instead of saying that the zip is to big it is saying "unable to find". So you can try to upload it by FTP or remove soem files from the package.

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