This recipe site focuses on meals that are quick, easy, healthy and only have up to 8 ingredients.
Designed to fit around busy lifestyles, the user experience is simple and clean with limited clutter.
Meals can be filtered on the home screen by ingredient, category(ie breakfast) and name
User can save favourites and comment on recipes by signing up to premium
I shall be using Python with the following packages and technologies:
- django for the web framework
- postgresql for the database
- python-decouple, to seperate config info from code
- django-filter, to siplify the user filtering of objects in browser
- stripe to aid in the process of taking payments
Make sure you have pip and virtualenv
Clone the repository into your virtual environment:
$ git clone
Go to recipease/ and scroll to the DATABASES variable. and comment/comment out base on if it's a local or Heroku server
Activate you virtual environment and whilst in the root folder (containing run the following:
$ python runserver
- Then visit localhost in your browser
The css for the project has been kept in one file, within the recipe app
Due to complications using images with Heroku as a hobbyist, I've decided to create a image charfield(string) in the Meal model and link to external images
Vitor Freitas has a wonderfull Django blog which helped a lot:
how to extend django's user model (I spotted this article late and with better planning, I could have integrated some of the concepts better)
Data Analytics with Jupyter and Pandas