I am going to deprecate that project as it will be replaced by new concepts based on my work with Robert Fritz.
CreaS is a State Machine library created using the Priciples of the Creative Process.
Many (if not all :( ) software development environment are based on a "problem solving" orientation (or the thinking in mind of their creator was not oriented to the creative), therefore, when you want to create results, you often are reoriented to problems solving caused by the root thinking used when creating the original framework.
CreAS would like to maintain an orientation of the creative while designing the process guidance (software) that will guide the creation of the desired result in mind by its users. Pretty much as if the Software is a creation in itself that should be transparent to whom is using it and should guide its users staying creatively oriented (meaning in a nutshell to have them focus on the results they want and an observation of the evolving realities in relationship to that results). CreAS should help technology creators to, themselves, stay creatively oriented.
Along the creation of the peace of software that is going to assist us in creating the result we want, we want that process of making the apps+service to be transparent. What does that mean anyway? Simply that the momentum from start to completion should always cumulate, like when we create art. The more we have completed action steps, the more we get closer, the more ""propensity"" toward what is desired there is (it is easier to move, it just flows...). To achieve such agilities in our creative process when making software, all our roles from architect, developer (or whatever you call yourself ;) ) have to have a creative orientation, meaning a structural dynamic approach.
Why a State Machine based.
Simply because when we create, it is very recommended practice to ""envision"" a [[desired state]], therefore, it is our belief that this state has to start from an orignal one, the reality, and evolve to the desired state (the creation).