Strong image editor based on Flutter with ability to crop, paint, add text, and rotate images.
Add text, with options to bold the text and choose a color for the text
Paint, with options to choose a color for the lines
Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise
In order to start editing the image,
Future<void> editImage(File imageFile) async {
//navigate to the image editor
final fileResult = await Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return EditImageComponent(imageFile: imageFile);
if (fileResult != null && fileResult is FinishedImageData) {
String file = fileResult.file.path; //file path of the newly updated image
imageLink.value = file;
//get the size of the newly updated image
width.value = fileResult.size.width;
height.value = fileResult.size.height;