This is a Manage Tasks web application built with Angular CLI 16, Firebase 9, and Firestore. The app allows users to register, browse a list of task, and create personalized task to asign to persons nad skills.
- Demo
- Features
- Tech Stack
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Running the App
- Build
- Firebase Configuration
- Deploying to Firebase Hosting
- License
A demo of the app can be found here (
- User registration and login
- Browse Manage Tasks
- Manage list of tasks
- SweetAlert2 for user notifications
- Angular CLI: 16.2.15
- Firebase: 10
- Firebase Authentication
- Firestore (NoSQL database)
- Firebase Hosting
- Tailwind CSS: 3.4.13 for responsive styling
- SweetAlert2: 11.6.13 for notifications
Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
- Node.js (version 16 or higher is recommended): Download Node.js
- Angular CLI (v16 or higher): Install Angular CLI globally
npm install -g @angular/cli npm install -g firebase-tools
- Clone the Repository
Clone the project to your local machine using the following command:
git clone
cd app-manage-tasks
- Install Dependencies
npm install
- Configure Firebase
- To use Firebase services such as authentication and Firestore, configure Firebase as follows:
- Create a Firebase project at Firebase Console.
- Register your web app and copy the Firebase configuration details.
- Add your Firebase configuration to the environment files:
- In src/environments/environment.ts (for development):
export const environment = { production: false, firebaseConfig: { apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY', authDomain: '', projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID', storageBucket: '', messagingSenderId: 'YOUR_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID', appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID', measurementId: 'YOUR_MEASUREMENT_ID' } };
- To use Firebase services such as authentication and Firestore, configure Firebase as follows:
- Setup Tailwind CSS
@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities;
To run the app locally, use the Angular CLI development server:
npm start
Custom Server Port
- The app is configured to run on port 4500 by default. If you want to change this port, you can modify the start script in package.json.
"start": "ng serve -o --port 4500"
- The app is configured to run on port 4500 by default. If you want to change this port, you can modify the start script in package.json.
- To build the project for production, run:
npm run build
- Initialize Firebase Hosting
- To deploy the app to Firebase, you need to configure Firebase Hosting.
- Run the following command to initialize Firebase in the project:
firebase init
- Select Hosting from the list of Firebase services.
- Choose the Firebase project you created earlier.
- Set the public directory to dist/[app-manage-tasks], where [app-manage-tasks] is the name of your Angular project.
- Choose No when asked if the app should be configured as a Single Page Application (SPA).
- Run the following command to initialize Firebase in the project:
- To deploy the app to Firebase, you need to configure Firebase Hosting.
- After building the project and configuring Firebase Hosting, you can deploy the app to Firebase using the following command:
firebase deploy
- Firebase will deploy the contents of the dist/ directory to Firebase Hosting, and the app will be live at the URL provided after deployment.
- This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- Complete Integration: All installation, configuration, and command steps are integrated within the same file.
- Commands Included: All commands, such as npm install, firebase deploy, etc., are directly included in the file without being separated.
- Full Flow: Follows the flow defined in the table of contents, without leaving any steps out or independent.