The (: ABC :) machine is a tool that provides a front end user interface for text clustering task using SBERT/UMAP/HDBSCAN, or to make it simple, it tries to cluster (or classifies) human readable texts into groups within a few mouse clicks.
This tool is created originally to assist chat-bot creation for a
company by clustering human chat logs to aid sentence pattern searching and also
to find flow patterns of a chat. But of course any tasks involving sentence/
document clustering can be done with this tool (albeit may not be ideal).
If you are a professional, you may know how to do the work with the tools you already have, but this tool is still handy for you for idea searching or quick/ casual works by removing all coding and debudding needs.
Even if you are not a professional, you will find this tool easy to use for a number of task you may be interested with. For example, you may want to classify user reviews of your products to have a general idea how if behaves.
- install requirements with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- starts with
and browser window magically pops-up :) - For more instruction, choose Help from the hambuger menu on the top-left corner