Depends :
Add furigana (ruby) tags to the TextElement inherited object in Unity's UIElement.
The Unity version checked is as follows
Destructive change : new dependency on jp.netsis.rubytext.abstractions
destructive change : change RubyTextElementCallback to a generic class
Add : Added RubyLabel
Added : RubyTextElementCallback
You can use <ruby=ice>fire</ruby>
tag or <r=ice>fire</r>
tag. Both are the same.
It can also work with double quotes.
tag or <r="ice">fire</r>
There is a way to install from GitHub.
Unity > Window > PackageManager > + > Add package from git url... > Add the followings
The demo project is in the package manager.
RUBY_ALIGNMENT : display characters according to ruby
BASE_ALIGNMENT : display characters according to the original
BASE_NO_OVERRAP_RUBY_ALIGNMENT : Basically, the text is aligned with the original text, but when ruby characters overlap, they are shifted. If the ruby characters exceed the frame, it will be corrected.
This function allows you to have the same gap even if you don't use ruby. Empty this string to skip this feature.
TextMeshPro features that cannot be handled by Label are undeveloped.
Once TextElement supports ruby tags, this project will be deleted.
All contributions are welcomed. Just make sure you follow the project's code style.
Contact: [email protected]