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David Bauer edited this page Apr 11, 2014 · 28 revisions


The data at the core of the application is grouped into two types of nodes (predictions and realisations) and links between those nodes. For now, a realisation can only be created in relation to a prediction.

Prediction structure

field Description type required
id Unique ID for the prediction number automatically
source The source where the prediction was made (a book, a movie, etc.) id required
description_E description of the prediction (limited to 300 chars), in English string required1
description_D description of the prediction (limited to 300 chars), in German string required1
year_predicted year for which the prediction is made, if available number optional
category select from a predefined array of categories, like transportation, health, surveillance string required
more_info hyperlink to a page where more info on the prediction can be found string optional
timestamp_created time when the prediction was created date automatically
timestamp_edited time when the prediction was last edited date automatically
headline_E editors can assign a headline to a prediction in the backend string optional
headline_D editors can assign a headline to a prediction in the backend string optional
image editors can attach a specific image to a prediction img_url optional
img_credit credit info for image string optional
editors_pick editors can highlight a prediction from the backend as editor's pick boolean optional
user name of the user who submits the prediction string optional
published designates if a prediction is currently published boolean required

1 at least one of those properties must have a value

Source structure

field Description type required
id Unique ID for the source number automatically
source_type one of Literature, Movies, TV series, Games, other string required
literature_title Title of the literary work string required2
literature_author Author of the literary work string optional
movie_title Title of the movie string required2
movie_director Director of the movie string optional
series_title Title of the TV series string required2
series_season Season number of the series number optional
series_episode Episode number of the series number optional
game_title Title of the game string required2
game_studio Game studio who produced the game string optional
other_title Title of the work string required2
other_creator Person who made it string optional
year_published when the source work was first published number optional
more_info hyperlink to a page where more info on the source can be found (IMDb, e.g.) string optional
description additional info on the source string optional
image image for the source img_url optional
img_credit credit info for image string optional

2 at least one of those properties must have a value

Realisation structure

field Description type required
id Unique ID for the realisation number automatically
description_E description of the realisation (limited to 300 chars) in English string required3
description_D description of the realisation (limited to 300 chars) in German string required3
year_introduced Year when realisation was first introduced number required
more_info hyperlink to a page where more info on the realisation can be found string optional
user name of the user who submits the realisation string optional
image editors can attach an image to a realisation img_url optional
img_credit credit info for image string optional
timestamp_created time when the realisation was created date automatically
timestamp_edited time when the realisation was last edited date automatically
published designates if a realisation is currently published boolean required
3 at least one of those properties must have a value

Connection structure

field Description type required
node1 Endpoint one of the connection id required
node2 Endpoint two of the connection id required
timestamp_created time when the connection was created date automatically
timestamp_edited time when the connection was last edited date automatically

URL Structure

proposed url structure for a prediction would be: + creator/ + work/ + prediction-id



First, we will focus on implementing two features: A card overview of all content and the ability for users to contribute data themselves.

Card view

Predictions are displayed as cards. The user can filter the view or select a prediction. Desktop cards view

The user can apply three filters, separately or combined

  • by category (select from dropdown)
  • by media type (select from dropdown)
  • by work (typeahead search) Every filtered view has a unique URL

For each view (home or any filters applied), the results are displayed in two groups.

  • 1-8 latest matching predictions with property editors_pick. if no matches for the given filter, don't display this section
  • latest predictions

On mobile, only the category filter is displayed (and maybe the "search by work" field). Mobile cards view

User generated content

Any user, no registration needed, can enter data, i.e. a prediction or a realisation connected to a prediction.

On all list views, there is a button that leads to the input form. On desktop, the button is placed at the top left corner of the latest predictions (see image above), on mobile the button is floating above the content fixed in the bottom right corner (see image above).

The user hits the create button, then:

  1. User selects the source type.
  2. Based on the source type, the corresponding title and creator fields appear.
  3. User fills in remaining fields, publishes prediction.
  4. User is prompted to share the prediction / add a realisation / add another prediction. Add prediction process mobile

Once a prediction is published, realisations can be connected to it. There are two trigger points for this.

  • Right after a prediction is entered, the user clicks "Add realisation" on the Thank-you-screen.
  • Every existing prediction comes with the same button to trigger the form for adding a realisation. Add realisation process mobile

Single prediction page

Every prediction will have a permalink. This dedicated single page shows the prediction with all its connected realisations and optional headline and images added by the editors (we will do that for all editor's picks).

Add realisation process mobile Add realisation process mobile


The application will launch in English and German. All interface elements will be available in both languages, the default being defined by browser settings (if browser set to German, show German, else: English).

Content is entered in the language the application is currently running in (meaning that prediction_E or prediction_D is shown) and will be translated by an editor later.

In the application, show only cards for which the respective content property (prediction_E or prediction_D) has a value.


The backend will be used by editors for quality assurance and to add missing info to existing entries. Thus, the following functionality needs to be provided.

  • List of all entries that can be filtered by the same criteria as in the frontend
  • Filter option: Show all entries where not all fields are filled
  • All entries can be edited or unpublished
  • All entries can be highlighted as editors_pick

Timeline view

Timeline view complements the card view and is meant to give a good view on the big picture. It is only made available on desktop (with a hint on mobile that it exists...).

Timeline view

###Data We need the same array of data that we use for the timeline on detail pages ($scope.alldates), that contains, for each prediction, the year_published of the source of a prediction, the year_predicted of the prediction and the year_introduced of all realisations attached to the prediction.


  • All data points are displayed on the same canvas, squares for predictions, circles for predicted realisations (year_predicted) and actual realisations (year_introduced), colored by the category of the prediction (like we do with the cards).
  • Per prediction one line is used, predictions are sorted by category.
  • Time axis should be linear between 1900 and 2100, before and after exponential to account for very early predictions and stories that are set in a very far future.

###User actions

  • On hover, each point reveals some additional data in a tooltip (description, source) and provides a link to the respective detail page.
  • On click, a line is drawn between all connected data points (prediction, predicted realisation, actual realisations) and all other data points fade to opacity 0.5.
  • User can apply the same filters as in card view
  • Toggle to show connection lines for all predictions at once