This is a scraper for statistical data from the Skolverket's ([SIRIS database] built on top of the Statscraper package <>.
The scraper is limited to the data avialble through
pip install siris_scraper
from siris.scraper import SirisScraper
# Init scraper
scraper = SirisScraper()
# List all schooltypes
verksamhetsformer = scraper.items
# [<Verksamhetsform: 15 (Fritidshem)>, <Verksamhetsform: 10 (Förskola)>, <Verksamhetsform: 14 (Förskoleklass)>,... ]
# Select a schooltype
verksamhetsform = verksamhetsformer.get_by_label(u"Öppen förskola")
# List all available datasets
datasets = verksamhetsform.items
# [<SirisDataset: 40 (Kostnader per kommun)>...]
# Select a dataset
dataset = datasets.get_by_label("Kostnader per kommun")
# Make a query
res = dataset.fetch() # Get latest available data
#res = dataset.fetch({"period": "2015"}) # Get data for a given period
#res = dataset.fetch({"period": "*"}) # Get data all periods
# List all avilable periods
# Use the result
# Python Pandas for example
dataframe = res.pandas
Set up:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run tests:
make tests
To pypi:
- The scraper does not handle "uttag" at the moment. Fetches latest by default.