Serum markers improve current prediction of metastasis development in early-stage melanoma patients: a machine learning-based study:
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"Serum markers improve current prediction of metastasis development in early-stage melanoma patients: a machine learning-based study"
Filippo Mancuso*, Sergio Lage*, Javier Rasero*, José Luis Díaz-Ramón, Aintzane Apraiz, Gorka Pérez-Yarza, Pilar Ezkurra, Cristina Penas, Ana Sánchez-Diez, María Dolores García-Vazquez, Jesús Gardeazabal, Rosa Izu, Karmele Mujika, Jesús Cortés, Aintzane Asumendi, María Dolores Boyano. (*equal first author contribution)
Published in Molecular Oncology. doi: