A small collection of simple functions that make using MySQL with node.js easier. Uses the node-mysql library.
Developed by MOG.com
npm install easy-mysql
EasyMySQL allows you to handle MySQL connection pooling, acquiring connections, and releasing them with ease. For example, where you might do this (using node-pool):
var get_widget = function(id, cb) {
pool.acquire(function (err, client) {
if (err) {
cb(err, null);
} else {
var sql = 'select * from widgets where id = ?';
client.query(sql, [id], function (err, results) {
if (err || results && results.length === 0) {
cb(err, null);
} else {
cb(null, results[0]);
...you can do this instead with EasyMySQL:
var get_widget = function(id, cb) {
var sql = 'select * from widgets where id = ?';
easy_mysql.get_one(sql, [id], cb);
Returns only one result, and if no results are found, returns null.
var sql = 'select * from widgets where id = ?';
easy_mysql.get_one(sql, [123], function (err, result) {
cb(err, result);
Returns an array of results, and if no results are found, returns an empty array.
var sql = 'select * from widgets where id > ?';
easy_mysql.get_all(sql, [123], function (err, results) {
cb(err, results);
Executes an arbitrary SQL query and returns the results from node-mysql.
var sql = 'update widgets set foo = 'bar' where id = ?';
easy_mysql.execute(sql, [123], function (err, results) {
cb(err, results);
You can connect three different ways with EasyMySQL:
Direct: Directly establish a single connection for each query. This is probably not a good idea for production code, but may be fine for code where you don't want to set up a pool, such as in unit tests.
Custom Pool: Pass in your own pool object. It must have functions named 'acquire' and 'release'.
Built-in Pool: Use the built-in pool, which uses node-pool
var settings = {
user : 'myuser',
password : 'mypass',
database : 'mydb'
var easy_mysql = EasyMySQL.connect(settings);
var my_pool = /* create your own pool here */;
var easy_mysql = EasyMySQL.connect_with_pool(pool);
var settings = {
user : 'myuser',
password : 'mypass',
database : 'mydb',
pool_size : 50
var easy_mysql = EasyMySQL.connect_with_easy_pool(settings);
To run tests and generate docs, first run:
npm install -d
Run the tests:
make test
Generate JSDocs:
make doc
If you would like to contribute to the project, please fork it and send us a pull request. Please add tests
for any new features or bug fixes. Also run make lint
before submitting the pull request.
- Add connection chaining.
- Allow functions to be called with out a callback argument.
node-easy-mysql is licensed under the MIT license.