A project for parsing and rendering objects from and to XML
- Define an implicit way to render your type in the companion object
case class Word(word: String)
object Word {
implicit val writes: XmlWrites[Word] = x => XmlObject("word", Seq(XmlLiteral(x.word)))
- Use
val obj = Word("Hello!")
XML.write(obj).toString // mustEqual "<word>Hello!</word>"
Note: Also works with complex and nested types that you defined XmlWrites
- Define an implicit way to read your type from string
case class User(id: Int, name: String)
object User {
implicit val reads: XmlReads[User] = x =>
id = (x \! "id").as[Int].get,
name = (x \! "name").as[String].get
Note: This is not the best example but it is simplified for demo purposes
- Use
val xml = "<user><id>12</id><name>John</name></user>"
val result = User(Some(12), "John")
XmlParser.parse(xml).as[User] // mustEqual XmlSuccess(result)
Format is a more concise way to define XmlReads and XmlWrites at the same time
case class User(id: Int, name: String)
object User {
implicit val fmt: XmlFormat[User] = XmlFormat(
xmlValue => {
val id = (xmlValue \! "id").as[Int].get
val name = (xmlValue \! "name").as[String].get
XmlSuccess(User(id, name))
user => XmlObject("user", Seq(
XmlObject("id", Seq(XmlLiteral(user.id))),
XmlObject("name", Seq(XmlLiteral(user.name)))
val o = User(123, "Jeff")
val xml = "<user><id>123</id><name>Jeff</name></user>"
XML.write(o).toString // mustEqual xml
XML.read[User](XmlParser.parse(xml)) // mustEqual XmlSuccess(o)
For examples, please check the *Spec.scala
- Make a macro for auto xml rendering on ADTs
- Recognise
definitions fromMap[String -> Map[...]]
- A way to define implicit
easier - Add more examples to the Readme
- Code cleanup