I created this scrpt as I was annoyed how BeOk BOT-313W Thermostat and similar models are handling temperature.
It only has accuracy down to ±0.5℃. What it means in practice is:
When yuo set temperature to be: 20℃ it will turn itself ON only when room temperature drops to 19℃ and keep heating on until it is 21℃. Where in my house it reaches 21℃ making temperature diference 2℃ between ON and OFF state, even more radiators are still hot when it reaches 21℃ so it will effectively now heat up to 22℃.
This script will turn heating on when it is 19.5℃ and turn heating off when it is 20℃ (even with hot radiators it should never exceeds 21℃)
Once you have your thermostat active if room temperature is less than desired it will add 1.5℃ to current desired for 10 seconds only, this is enought to trigger heating to turn ON and wait until it reaches desired temperature before turning it OFF again doins same action removing 1.5℃ for 10 seconds enought for the thermostat to realis it should switch heating OFF.
There is also a delay to prevent flicking switch ON/OFF too often so script waits for 2 minutes after any ON/OFF action before it will try to switch ON/OFF again.
- BeOk BOT-313W
- Floureon Smart WiFi Thermostat
- Beca WiFi Thermostat
Before you can run the script, you need to configure the thermostat ip + mac in main file beokThermostat.py
# set this variables
strHost = '' #thermostat ip
strMac = 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF' #thermostat mac address
I use cron to run this script every minute.
* * * * * /home/user/BeokThermostatHelper/beokThermostat.py
you can run it manually with
python beokThermostat.py
I came up with idea for this script after seeing this post: https://hackaday.io/project/162466-beok-bot-313w-thermostat-hack#