"Julia set" - a set on the complex plane. Generation and visualization of this set and its modifications.
Julia set is a set that is located on the complex plane according to a certain formula.
My task is to study the Julia set generation formulas, make a function, select a charmingly beautiful combination, visualize in matplotlib, visualize in good quality in Tableau.
- General information about the Julia set: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_set
- Python reference code: https://blbadger.github.io/julia-sets
My final modified visualizations in Tableau:
- Julia set, mod: Chinese dragon https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/alexander2244/viz/JuliasetmodChinesedragon/Julia_set_mod
- Julia set, mod: frost https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/alexander2244/viz/Juliasetmodfrost/Julia_set_mod
- And below in matplotlib, the palette is slightly different
- Study the Julia set generation formulas, create a function;
- Select a charmingly beautiful combination of parameters and color palette, generate a variety;
- Visualize the set first in matplotlib;
- Save this set in fairly good quality, but not slow it down;
- Visualize this in Tableau as Art.
The results were charming pictures ✨, I visualized them in advance in matplotlib, saved some of them in good quality, you can see links to visualization in Tableau at the beginning of the project.