compile this package
catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="me5413"
launch command
roslaunch me5413 task1.launch bag_filename:=${HOME}/下载/2dlidar.bag
clone fast-lio to src folder and compile
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git submodule update --init
cd ../..
source devel/setup.bash
get lidar rotation and transformation in imu link
rosrun tf tf_echo imu_link velo_link
launch fast-lio and play rosbag
roslaunch me5413 task2_fastlio.launch
rosbag play --clock YOUR_ROSBAG_FILE
record rosbag
rosbag record /Odometry /tf /tf_static
clone vins-fusion to src folder and compile
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
launch rviz and loop fusion node
roslaunch me5413 task2_vinsfusion.launch
rosrun vins node
rosrun vins vins_node /home/biao/catkin_ws/src/ME5413_AMR/config/vins-fusion/kitti_bag.yaml
record rosbag
rosbag record /vins_estimator/odometry /vins_estimator/point_cloud /vins_estimator/camera_pose /tf /tf_static
Change "/aft_mapped_to_init_high_frec" to the topic that needs to be subscribed to odometry.
Change "camera_gray_left" to the coordinate system node which groundtruth is located.
Change "velo_link" to the coordinate system node which the odometry result is located.
Run the py program in the bag and play another bag containing odometry and tf topics. The code will convert the odometry results into the coordinate system where the groundtruth node is located, and output the txt file of kitti format coordinates in the same directory.
Change "/aft_mapped_to_init" to the topic that needs to be subscribed to odometry.
Change "camera_gray_left" to the coordinate system node which groundtruth is located.
Change "camera_init" to the coordinate system node which the odometry result is located.
Run the py program in the bag and play another bag containing odometry and tf topics. The code will convert the odometry results into the coordinate system where the groundtruth node is located, and output the txt file of tum format coordinates in the same directory.
run python script read data from rosbag directly
roscd me5413
python scripts/ '/home/biao/catkin_ws/src/ME5413_AMR/output/task2/fast_lio.bag' --topic /Odometry
evo_ape tum have_fun_tum.txt odom_tum.txt -r full --plot --plot_mode xz
or, run the node and play rosbag
rosrun me5413
rosbag play YOUR_ROSBAG_FILE