Under Development
Pipeline for analysis of isolate genomes.
- Preprocessing
- Isolate Genome Assembly
- Gene calling and annotation
- Mapping back to assembly or to reference genome
- Variant calling and annotation
- ANI calculation
- Phylogenetics with PhyloPhlAn
The software depends on conda
, Python >= 3.8
and snakemake == 5.22
git clone https://github.com/MicrobiologyETHZ/NCCR_genomicsPipeline
cd NCCR_genomicsPipeline/code/package
conda env create -f nccrPipe_environment.yaml
# mamba env create -f nccrPipe_environment.yaml
conda activate nccrPipe
pip install -e .
- Using pre-created environments.
- Recipes could be found in ``
- Create before running the pipeline [Write instructions]
Usage: nccrPipe isolate [OPTIONS]
-c, --config TEXT Configuration File
-m, --method TEXT Workflow to run, options: [call_variants, assemble,
--local Run on local machine
--no-conda Do not use conda, under construction, do not use
--dry Show commands without running them
--help Show this message and exit.
Run nccrPipe isolate -m call_variants --dry
. This will do a dry run of variant calling pipeline on the test dataset.
Run nccrPipe isolate -m call_variants
This will run the variant calling pipeline on the test dataset
Use --local
if you don't the jobs to be submitted to the queuing system.
The first time you run, it will take a while to create the conda environments.
To run the pipeline you need to provide a yaml
config file. Example config file for sufficient for variant calling is shown below.
projectName: Test_Variant_Calling
# dataDir: directory with raw sequencing files, files for each sample should be stored in a subdirectory
dataDir: test_data/varcall_test_data/raw
# outDir: output directory
outDir: test_data/varcall_test_data/output
# sampleFile: text file listing samples to be analysed
sampleFile: test_data/varcall_test_data/test_samples.txt
# forward and reverse fastq suffixes
fq_fwd: _R1.fq.gz
fq_rvr: _R2.fq.gz
# Align to reference
# Reference genome to call variants against
reference: test_data/varcall_test_data/LL6_1.fasta.gz
# The rest of the parameters don't have to be changed, copy and paste into your config file
# Preprocessing
qc: yes # yes to perform preprocessing, no to skip
# BBMap paramerters
mink: 11
trimq: 14
mapq: 20
minlen: 45
merged: false # By default do not use merge for isolate genome assembly
fastqc: no # Run fastqc or not. Options: no, before, after, both.
# Standard parameters.
adapters: ../../../data/adapters/adapters.fa
phix: ../../../data/adapters/phix174_ill.ref.fa.gz
Example structure for the dataDir
└── dataDir/
├── Sample1/
│ ├── Sample1_ABCD_R1.fq.gz
│ └── Sample1_EFGH_R2.fq.gz
└── Sample2/
├── Sample2_ABCD_R1.fq.gz
└── Sample2_EFGH_R2.fq.gz
In which case, sampleFile
would look like this:
nccrPipe isolate -c <full/path/to/your_config.yaml> -m call_variants
nccrPipe isolate -c <full/path/to/your_config.yaml> -m assemble
Log files, stdout and stderr files for each step of the pipeline can be found in outDir/logs/
- To run STAR/featureCounts pipeline run:
nccrPipe rnaseq -c <configfile> -m star
To see what jobs are going to be submitted to the cluster add --dry
flag. To run pipeline without submitting jobs to the cluster add --local
- To run kallisto pipeline run:
nccrPipe rnaseq -c <configfile> -m kallisto
- YAML file with following mandatory fields:
ProjectName: Test
dataDir: path to data directory (see data structure below)
outDir: path to output directory
sampleFile: file with sample names (see example below)
fq_fwd: _1.fq.gz # forward reads fastq suffix
fq_rvr: _2.fq.gz # reverse reads fastq suffix
qc: yes
mink: 11
trimq: 14 # 37
mapq: 20
minlen: 45
merged: false # By default to do not use merge for isolate genome assembly
fastqc: no # Options: no, before, after, both
refGenome: reference_genome.fna # Uncompressed (Did not test with compressed file)
refAnn: reference_annotation.gtf # Important to have .gtf not a .gff
genomeDir: directory to output genome index
overhang: 149 # ReadLength - 1
maxIntron: 50000 # Max size of intron (Depends on organism)
# featureCounts
strand: 0 # Strandiness of the RNASeq, can be 0,1,2
attribute: gene_id # Should work, if using .gtf file
# kallisto
transcriptome: transcriptome.fa #Uncompressed
kallistoIdx: transcriptome_index_file.idx
# Standard parameters. Dont change these!!!
adapters: '/nfs/cds-shini.ethz.ch/exports/biol_micro_cds_gr_sunagawa/SequenceStorage/resources/adapters.fa'
phix: '/nfs/cds-shini.ethz.ch/exports/biol_micro_cds_gr_sunagawa/SequenceStorage/resources/phix174_ill.ref.fa.gz'
bbmap_human_ref: '/nfs/cds-shini.ethz.ch/exports/biol_micro_cds_gr_sunagawa/SequenceStorage/resources/human_bbmap_ref/'
bbmap_mouse_ref: '/nfs/cds-shini.ethz.ch/exports/biol_micro_cds_gr_sunagawa/SequenceStorage/resources/mouse_bbmap_ref/'
| |--Sample1/
| | |--Sample1_abcd_R1.fq.gz
| | |--Sample1_abcd_R2.fq.gz
| |
| |--Sample2/
| |--Sample1_efgh_R1.fq.gz
| |--Sample2_efgh_R2.fq.gz
ProjectName: Example_Project
dataDir: data/raw
outDir: data/processed
sampleFile: data/samples.txt
fq_fwd: _R1.fq.gz
fq_rvr: _R2.fq.gz
- Example RNASeq config is
- Example samples file is
- RNAseq snakemake rules are in
- preprocess
- merge_fastq
- assemble
- quastCheck
- plasmid
- annotate
- nucmer
- runANI
- phylogeny
- findAb
- pileup
- align
- align_with_ref
- call_vars
- call_vars2 -> use this one
- call_vars3
- markdup
- type
- serotype
- anVar
- anVar2
- pangenome
All of these need to be tested and documented
Default data structure:
By default, data will be in data/raw
and the output directory data/processed
cd project
nccrPipe -a create_config -c code/configs/project_config.yaml
- Align reads to reference genome with BWA.
- Remove duplicates with GATK MarkDuplicates
- Run
bcftools mpileup
+bcftools call
bcftools filter
-g5 filter SNPs within 5 base pairs of an indel or other other variant type
-G10 filter clusters of indels separated by 10 or fewer base pairs allowing only one to pass
-e exclude
QUAL<10 calls with quality score < 10
DP4[2]<10 || DP4[3]<10 calls with < 10 reads (forward and reverse) covering the variant
(DP4[2] + DP4[3])/sum(DP4) < 0.9 calls with allele frequence < 90 %
MQ<50 calls with average mapping quality < 50
- Add filter based on coverage? Regions with really high coverage generally contain lots of artifacts.
- Still a little complicated. Adding new genome to the snpEff database not integrated into the main pipeline.
- Created conda environment within the pipeline:
- If want to add new genome, run
nccrPipe -c <config_file> -a addGenomeSnpEff
- Config file has to include path to the gbk (and ideally fasta) files, as well as the name of the genome. The chromosome names between the files have to match.
- If that doesn't fail, can run
nccrPipe -c <config_file> -a anVar