AR math game, running around solving math problems that live inside floating bubbles in your space.
Intent: When a player starts a round, a bubble appears nearby in AR and the player goes to the bubble to pop it with the device. When the bubble pops, a math problem appears. The faster the player solves the math problem, the more points or bubble shards or whatever they get. The app tracks performance and dynamically adjusts difficulty for to an ideal level for the player.
Current: Apparently I don't have my macbook here so I can't actually get it into AR right now. But I'm getting the math part setup pretty well. Maybe I'll do VR in the mean time. After all, we're all mostly stuck inside right now anyway.
The app is generating addition and subtraction problems based on a maximum highest number, taking player input and giving feedback. At the end of a round, it displays the performance on the screen.
TODO: [*] Replace input textbox and submit button with placeholder boxes for each digit that submits automatically when filled.
[*] Disable player input during feedback timer
[] VR version
[] AR version
[*] Save statistics between sessions (data should be ready to go. Prefer json)
[*] Adjust difficulty by recent performance
[*] Include subtraction problems at random above certain difficulty score