Driver library for controlling VISCA-compliant cameras via RS232.
Author(s): - Damien Douxchamps, Mikael Rosbacke, Joerg Desch, Alexander Klaeser
Maintainer: Ralf Kaestner [email protected]
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Operating system(s): Debian-based Linux
Package PPA: ppa:ethz-asl/drivers
This project provides a driver library and basic command-line utilities for controlling VISCA-compliant cameras via RS232. It has been forked from libvisca to integrate the support for additional camera models.
The maintainers of this project provide binary packages for the latest Ubuntu LTS releases and commonly used system architectures. To install these packages, you may follow these instructions:
Add the project PPA to your APT sources by issuing
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethz-asl/drivers
on the command line
To re-synchronize your package index files, run
sudo apt-get update
Install all project packages through
sudo apt-get install libvisca2*
or selected packages using your favorite package management tool
To build from source, this project requires the CMake build system with an open-source macro extension called ReMake.
If you already have installed ReMake on your build system, you may skip this step. Otherwise, before attempting to build this project the traditional CMake way, you must install ReMake following these instructions.
This project does not have any build dependencies other than the standard libraries.
Once ReMake is available on your build system, you may attempt to build this
project the CMake way. Assuming that you have cloned the project sources into
, a typical out-of-source build might look like this:
Create a build directory using
mkdir -p PROJECT_DIR/build
Switch into the build directoy by
cd PROJECT_DIR/build
In the build directory, run
to configure the build
If you want to inspect or modify the build configuration, issue
Build the project using
If you intend to install the project, call
make packages_install
(from packages on Debian-based Linux only) or
make install
This project generates its API documentation from source. To access it, you
may either inspect the build directory tree after the project has been built
using make
or install the documentation package through
sudo apt-get install libvisca2-doc
If you would like to propose a feature for this project, please consider contributing or send a feature request to the project authors. Bugs may be reported through the project's issue page.