This is the implementation of our NAACL paper titled : [An Attentional Model for Speech Translation Without Transcription] (
If you use this code, please cite the paper
author = {Duong, Long and Anastasopoulos, Antonios and Chiang, David and Bird, Steven and Cohn, Trevor},
title = {An Attentional Model for Speech Translation Without Transcription},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies},
month = {June},
year = {2016},
address = {San Diego, California},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
pages = {949--959},
url = {}
This implementation is based on [C++ neural network library (CNN)] ( with development version of [Eigen] ( Note: you also need boost for this. I made some modifications with CNN and release with the code.
sudo apt-get install boost
hg clone
git clone
cd speechtranslation
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=../eigen
make -j 10
This is experiment directly from phone sequence to word. Similar with machine translation problem. The data format is
<s> source phone </s> ||| <s> target words </s>
We attached a tiny training data for the demo purposes.
./build/attentional_model/attentional --train data/train.attentional --devel data/dev.attentional --lstm --bidirectional -a 32 --hidden 32 --parameters --epochs 50 --coverage 0.05 --trainer sgd --layers 4 --giza --smoothsm 0.1
Some options :
- parameters: periodically save the parameters to this file so that learning can be resumed
- lstm: use LSTM for RNN (other options are: GRU and RNN) where GRU use Gated-Recurrent Unit
- coverage: use the coverage penalty described in the paper
- layers n: stack n layers of lstm on the target
- giza: use giza features described in the paper
- smoothsm: use smoothing softmax function described in the paper
- help: display the detail of other options.
We need to initialise with the trained model and use the test data instead of dev data.
./build/attentional_model/attentional --train data/train.attentional --devel data/test.attentional --lstm --bidirectional -a 32 --hidden 32 --initialise --epochs 50 --coverage 0.05 --trainer sgd --layers 4 --giza --smoothsm 0.1 --translation
The output will be the translation on test, first 200 trainning sentences and some output for retrieval task.
Need to extract the first 100 hypothesis from Moses, assuming in the file data/rescore.pairs
./build/attentional_model/attentional --train data/train.attentional --devel data/test.attentional --lstm --bidirectional -a 32 --hidden 32 --initialise --epochs 50 --coverage 0.05 --trainer sgd --layers 4 --giza --smoothsm 0.1 --rescore --test data/rescore.pairs
The model will score each pair and add the score at the end. The final translation will be the candidate having lowest score.
We use [SPRACHcore] ( to extract plp features from speech file with the following options.
./feacalc -hpfilter 100 -dither -domain cepstra -deltaorder 2 -plp 12 -sr 16000 -opformat ascii -o OUTPUTFILE INPUTFILE
Obviously, the sample rate (-sr
) will be different based on your data.
For demo, we added a tiny data extracted from TIMIT in data
./build/attentional_model/attentional_plp --ttrain data/text/ --strain data/plp/ --lstm --bidirectional --align 32 --hidden 32 --parameters model.speech.plp --epochs 50 --coverage 0.05 --trainer sgd --layers 4 --giza --pyramid --smoothsm 0.1 --split data.split
Some options :
- strain: source folder storing all plp files. One plp file represent one speech sentence.
- ttrain: target folder where each file is a translation or transcription of the speech sentence. Note that files in strain and ttrain should have the same ID.
- pyramid: use the pyramidal structure described in the paper
- split: a file specify the data split. It will have 3 lines, each line specify list of files for Train, Dev and Test
Show the translation from the trained model for test data (and some train data).
./build/attentional_model/attentional_plp --ttrain data/text/ --strain data/plp/ --lstm --bidirectional --align 32 --hidden 32 --initialise model.speech.plp --epochs 50 --coverage 0.05 --trainer sgd --layers 4 --giza --pyramid --smoothsm 0.1 --split data.split --translation
There are several useful debugging/outputting options, for example
display: to shows the alignment matrix in
format which can be imported to(la)tex
./build/attentional_model/attentional_plp --ttrain data/text/ --strain data/plp/ --lstm --bidirectional --align 32 --hidden 32 --initialise model.speech.plp --epochs 50 --coverage 0.05 --trainer sgd --layers 4 --giza --pyramid --smoothsm 0.1 --split data.split --display
verbose: output intermediate alignments/translations.