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A simple tool for contract testing web APIs.


You can find the binaries of the latest release here.

There is also a homebrew package for macOS which you can install by running brew install lowski/tap/contest.


Run a simple suite: contest --suite suite.contest.yaml

Run a suite with additional models needed: contest --schema schema-with-model.yaml --suite custom-suite.contest.yaml

Using a OpenAPI documents is recommended over manually specifying contracts.

Contest YAML

The contest.yaml file describes the suite of contracts that should be tested.

A suite has the following properties:

  • headers: global headers added to every request
  • severity: configure the severity of failure reasons (see section Severity)
  • contracts: single contracts testing a single URL (see section Contract)
  • specFiles: OpenAPI documents to load and test (see section Spec File)


The contestSchema.json file describes the format of the contest.yaml file. You can add this schema to your editor to have linting in your contestSchema.json.


In VSCode using the YAML Extension from RedHat you can easily add the schema, by modifying your workspace or user config:

  // ... other config entries
  "yaml.schemas": {

To add the schema to a JetBrains IDE, follow this guide: Using custom JSON schemas.


You can find a complete example in the example.contest.yaml.


A contract describes a URL and expectations about how the response and/or data should look. The URL can also be a local file (if the protocol is file://). A contract can override global headers and have parameters.

Supported expectations:

Name Description
status HTTP status code
contentType Content-Type header in the response (w/ or w/o extensions)
schema Schema of a JSON response (can be suffixed with [] for an array)
responseTime The maximum allowed response time in ms

A contract can have the anyOf parameter, which is a list of contracts. If set, the response will be validated against all of those and if at least one subcontract does not fail, the contract will return that verdict.

Spec File

A spec file describes which operations from an OpenAPI 3.0 document to test. You need to specify a baseUrl for the requests, since the paths in the OpenAPI definition are all relative.

Only operations explicitly mentioned in the suite will be executed. The resulting contracts will always expect: status: 200, contentType: application/json, and the schema from the operation in the OpenAPI definition. Additional expectations are not supported at this time.

You may pass parameters to the operation, which will be handled like normal parameters on any contract, except that the location is not necessary and will be automatically found using the parameter object from the OpenAPI definition.


Parameters are specified as a key value map. The keys consist of two parts: location and name. location specifies where in the request the parameter should be substituted and is consistent with the OpenAPI 3.0 field. Currently supported locations are: "path", "header".

At location, "{name}" is substituted with "value".

  path:name: value
  header:param: super_interesting

ParameterSets: ParameterSets are a list of Parameters. For every ParameterSet a copy of the contract is created with the parameters of that set.


Different failure reasons can have different severities. This can be used in cases where a particular failure should not cause the whole suite to fail. Currently, only the severity warn is supported.

Supported failure reasons:

Name Description
contract A contract was invalid
http HTTP request failed
io Error loading a file
format The data could not be parsed
unexpected.status Unexpected status code
unexpected.schema Schema did not match
unexpected.content-type Unexpected Content-Type response header
unexpected.responseTime Response time was greater than expected

Supported Validations

The following OpenAPI Schema attributes are currently validated:

  • type: object, array, integer, string, number, boolean
  • properties
  • items
  • oneOf, anyOf, allOf
  • nullable
  • required
  • format: string.uri


A simple contract testing tool






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